
Monday, March 24, 2014


Should I be alarmed that my kitten is increasingly pretending to gut my hand with her hind legs? I am sensing not-so-latent aggression. I am going to start sleeping with a knife under my pillow...
When the kitten was a 4 week old baby, I was always worried I might kill her accidentally. Now that she is 6 months old, I am always worried I might kill her on purpose.
I am absolutely amazed that most kittens survive into adulthood. She creates the mess and then attacks the broom that cleans it up! And... when she can't attack the broom, she launches from the bed and leaps on my head as I'm stooped over. I am a nervous wreck.
Am I the only one that double checks the dryer to make sure the kitten hasn't somehow snuck in?
So Evil Kitty comes up to me and affectionately rubs on me. I pick her up and she sweetly swipes at my jugular, claws extended. My mother's dire predictions may end up being right. Send help.
Evil Kitty has discovered that when I whistle, the dogs get a treat. Now she lines up with everyone else, just like a dog. Watching them all eat peanut butter is worth buying the occasional jar.
...aaaaand speaking of cats (we were, weren't we?) how many of you have cats that climb onto the toilet seat and carefully lower their front paws down to dabble in the water, then take a long cool sip, and come and jump up on you? I thought cats were supposed to be afraid of the water.
My dog left his stuffed rat toy on my bed. Imagine my initial surprise when I walked into my bedroom to see it...
Life is better when you have a clean little silky dog curled up next to you sleeping soundly.
Dog Water Dishes: I spent a long time at Petsmart one night looking over water dishes. Did you know how many varieties there are? You can spend over $100 on water fountains and filtration systems for animals that lick their butts and eat the most putrid things they can find.
I got up the other day and found my otherwise peaceful 2 little koi ate their fishy brethren. I thought koi were peaceful! Maybe they were "sleeper koi".
After discussing alligators with a friend, I am reminded of when I went to an informative lecture on myths about gators. One myth is that you should run in a zigzag while being chased by a gator. The reality is that it simply slows you down and makes it easier for the gator. I am reluctant to share this with most of you because if we're on a nature walk and a gator starts chasing us, I'm hoping he gets you first. I love you and all that, but every man for himself.
If you have a parrot and you don't teach it to say "Help! They've turned me into a parrot!", you are wasting everyone's time.