
Friday, March 24, 2006

Saur Gets Electrocuted

Many of you probably remember that I had major surgery last November for two crushed disks in my neck. It helped tremendously, but I am still frequently sore (though not the degree that I had been). I discussed this with my regular GP, who contacted my former surgeon. Between the two of them, they recommended physical therapy.

Yesterday was only my second appointment at the new physical therapy office (the first appointment was a simple evaluation). I was called by an assistant that morning, who needed to reschedule me. I agreed to move my appointment up by two hours so that the owner could get to his son's school in time. I arrived at the new time, and was put to work bending and moving, focusing on the muscle groups that needed work.

The last 10-15 minutes were devoted to relaxing the muscles, using both light massage and e-stim. This is what everyone works toward: the carrot on the stick.

To the right is an example of an e-stim machine. "E" stands for Electrical. You get little gelled pads stuck on the muscles that hurt, and you are given a machine to turn up to the level that helps the most. It causes the muscles to contract very slightly, and they vibrate. Although it sounds creepy, it's often helpful.

At the end of the 10 minutes with the e-stim machine, the physical therapist asked his assistant to disconnect me. She came over, took the electrical box, and (thinking she was turning it down) cranked it up to maximum capacity! All I could do was scream in agony! It's rather hard to communicate clearly when you're being electrocuted.

Because she was not very bright, the assistant took a few precious moments to figure out exactly why I was screaming for help. Once she realized she had turned it the wrong way, her boss was there, turning it off.

Both said that they were very, keenly sorry. The idiotic assistant kept apologizing, explaining that she simply wasn't all that familiar with the equipment. "Then how about you don't touch it until you are?" I wanted to ask, but my need to get out of there was even stronger (I was nearly in tears). I forked over the $40 (isn't it funny what you do when you're in shock? I should've just walked out) and left as quickly as I could.

I am very sore and exhausted today, since I couldn't sleep well last night (due to the pain that resulted from it). Needless to say, I won't be back. I hear the local health clubs only charge $40-$60 per month. Not only will they be cheaper, I'll bet they won't electrocute me, either.


High Power Rocketry said...

That is such a horrible thing.

I am sure what you have is more serious than just sore muscles, but would soaking in a hot tub, or a steam room or something help?

Saur♥Kraut said...

Alex, thanks, hon! I tried the hot shower thing. It didn't really help much cuz it's just muscle fatigue and there's not a lot of help for that except rest. I'm sure I'll be fine after I get a chance to rest up over the weekend! ;o)

Ed said...

When my mom got ran over by a skier from behind shattering her leg in three places, the doctors gave her a portable e-stem machine (about the size of a walkman) to help stimulate the bone growth. I remember my younger brother and I snagging it when she wasn't using it and getting into a challenge of sorts. We would both hook two of the electrodes to the challenged part of our body and keep cranking it up until on person yelled mercy. I can remember the current being strong enough to cause my legs to flex very painfully.

At least we were doing the torturing of ourselves by choice.

Some Random Girl said...

oh crap. I know from personal experience that hurts. I have one of those machines but it's a portable one. I have turned it up too high and damn, it hurts. We just used those machines in my physiology class because we're working on the muscles. Hatin' it.

You should find a PT who does aquatherapy. I did that last year and it really helped. a lot! I would have kept going had school not started for me.

I asked the doctor if I was a candidate for a discogram and he said no. I think mine is mainly soft tissue damage from 6 car accidents in a 5 year period. Who knows.

Beaver said...

Oh poor thing. I ache just to think of it. Got electrocuted once, while making the Christmas tree. Pain, I know thy name!

I hope that moron got fired.

In the meantime, sleep sleep sleep. That's all you need, really!

Cholocate chip cookies and milk!


Jessica said...

I'm wincing as I read. Some random girl's suggestion of aquatherapy sounds much more pleasant. Good luck, Saur.

Deb said...

Wait, isn't that also referred to the tens machine? My chiropractor uses something similar and sometimes he juices that baby up a little too high for my comfort. I always take off my jewelry -- because in the back of my mind I can't have anything 'metal' on me. Is that the OCD kickin' in again? Maybe.

Ellen said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch!
I've only been electrocuted once when I was real little and had to find out the effects of sticking a bobbypin in a light socket. I couldn't just believe the warnings, had to test the thing for myself. Now I have a great respect for electricity, and won't let anyone come near me with a lives wire. Poor you... I'm sure you will be smarting over this for days.

The chocolate chip cookies and milk sounds like a great idea to drown out those feelings, though!

chosha said...

Wow, poor you. I'd be going back and asking for my $40.

As for the crushed disks, you might want to consider (after consulting your doctor) trying an inversion table. They are very good at reducing back/neck pain.

Notsocranky Yankee said...

Yikes! I'm glad you're not going back there again.

I hope you find the appropriate physical therapy. Get some rest this weekend!

Stephanie said...


Hope you feel better soon!

Nihilistic said...

DAMN! They deserve a beat down for that one!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Gee, F., unhappy days.

Anonymous said...

EEEOWWW! What a reVOLTing predicament!

Hope you are feeling better.

Suzy-Q said...


You totally deserve some money back or at least a free e-stim next time....if you are brave enough to try again. :o)

Hope you are not scarred for life.

Live, Love, Laugh said...

oh my goodness, I can imagine how that must've felt!!!

Bryan said...

Ouch! Sorry you had to go through that.

Who needs an electric chair when you've got assistants like that?

I'll bet she could get a job at a local prison.

Whistle Britches said...

susie, recognizing your problem is the first step to healing.
how dare you laugh at saur's misfortune! shocking as it may be.....!

Saur♥Kraut said...

Suzie, you are a WENCH! But I'd probably be laughing too...

Bar L. said...

OH WOW! I know what that feels like! You poor thing having to endure more than a split second! I acutally have my own little E-Stim machine (my doctor sold it to me) and turned it up to high once, it hurts!!!! But for me it just lasted a split second. That assistant sounds pretty lame. Better luck next time!!!

Granny said...

Susie linked to your post and I just had to come see what happened.

At the very least you should get your 40 bucks back.

Ann (aka granny)

JBlue said...

God, that's awful! I was hooked up to one once, and the therapist (a substitute for the day and very frazzled) came in and starting pushing the machine out the door with the electrodes still attached to my skin! I thought about jumping up and shouting, "Hey, cut me some slack," but he noticed the machine wasn't moving very well....