
Thursday, March 02, 2006

What Are You Afraid Of?

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In a recent poll by Disneyland, they discovered (much to their surprise) that 86 percent of adults and 91 percent of youngsters admitted to being very scared of something.

Top Scares for Adults
38% Snakes
36% Fear of heights
22% Scary movies
8% Fear of the dark

Top Scares for Youngsters
42% Scary noises
40% Bugs
39% Scary movies
29% Afraid of the dark
22% Fear of being home alone

Disneyland also asked several celebrities “What Scares You?:
Jennifer Love Hewitt
and Serena Williams are still afraid of monsters under their bed
Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame fears clowns and scary noises
Rock star Sheryl Crow fears heights and scary noises
"Lost" actor Malcolm David Kelley is really scared of animals, especially large dogs and sharks

I think we all have our bogeymen.

When I was growing up, I was convinced that wolves lived under my bed and in my toychest, and a bear lived in my closet. If I ever had to get up in the middle of the night, I would wait a minute (to make sure I had the monsters fooled into thinking I might not touch the ground) and then I would take off running.

Sometimes I would sit in bed and mutter to "myself" about the weapons I had within reach, just in case any monsters were listening. It seemed to keep them at bay.

Even now, when I get up in the middle of the night, I sometimes tred about the house with my nerves on edge. But now the bogeyman is a serial killer like Charles Manson. I won't give in to that fear, because I won't let it conquer me. But, it's still there sometimes in the wee, small hours of the morning.

What are your fears?


Ed said...

Dark basements. I always get chills in my spine after I shut off the light and all that remains is this dark void behind me.

I also have a healthy "respect" for heights.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Born again Christians.

And people with nothing to lose.

Miss Cellania said...

I am afraid my kids will run out in the street at exactly the wrong moment.

I know the odds. There's no reason to be scared of a spider, when we have real lethal weapons speeding up and down our streets.

mikster said...

A woman who is PMsing kind of scares me at times...just saying.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Picture Mike, ;o) I know whatcha mean. You are wise, grasshopper. Very wise.

Miss Cellania, children are our Achilles' heels, aren't they?

Stick Figure Mike, ohhh yeah. Me 2. Don't go see Arachnophobia, by any means. I had it up close and personal when I bought my home and discovered that there was such a thing as Brown Widow Spiders and there were a lot of them here. :P

Daniel, you're not scared of me, and I'm a B.A. Christian. I agree with you about people who have nothing to lose...

Interesting argument about taxing churches in Polanco's blog today, huh?

Ed, ooooh yeah. I don't like heights much, either. And I am SO glad I live in Florida where there are never any basements to be found, ever.

Paul Nichols said...

That vast left-wing conspiracy.
Another house fire.
The loss of one of my kids or grandkids.
Losing my Bible(s).
Drunk drivers.
Becoming a widower.
The sound of a snake's rattle.
No more ice cream.
Alzheimer's. Stroke. Dementia. Lou Gehrig's Disease.
No more chocolate.
Other than that, I'm pretty secure. Aren't I?

The Lazy Iguana said...

My biggest fear is that I will wake up to discover I am as dumb as most of the other people living here in Miami :)

Some Random Girl said...

Late at night...when getting into my bed....I still flip off the light and almost leap from the door to the bed so someone doesnt' grab my foot. Irrational? yes.

My biggest fear is a RSO (regist. sex offender) breakinginto my house and kidnapping and killing my kids.

My second fear: anything bad happening to my kids but I actually worry about the above most often. We always triple check the doors. There have been a few nights where someone forgot to lock the backdoor and I wigged out the next day! scary!

Ellen said...

Rats and snakes.... both animal and human form.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

I am afraid of dying during the night and having somebody else eat my breakfast.

Paul Nichols said...

It's my understanding that the greatest 'fear' we Americans have is Public Speaking. 'Fear' being different than 'scare.'

Sorry, meant to say this earlier, but I was afraid I was taking up too much comment space.

Notsocranky Yankee said...

I'm aftraid of my 11 yr. old daughter's room. It's a huge mess and I'm not sure what might be lurking in there!

Jamie Dawn said...

I have fears too. Everyone does. I feel sorry for people whose fears paralyze them and keep them from enjoying life and pursuing things.
I am afraid of the dark. I can't rest unless a nightlight is on. It is silly, but that's just the way it is!
I also have fears regarding my kids. I think all moms do. I want to be able to protect them for the rest of their lives, and I want for them to live LONG lives.

Anonymous said...

I am afraid of hospital bills! Just got home from a 3 and one half day sojourn in the bowels of hell . . . St. Anthony's Hospital. I've been scanned, probed, poked, prodded and generally been humbled into submission. Now, I am afraid they are going to 'pick me dry'!!!!

Home, nice. Hospital, bad!

Glad that your clan is getting better. Sorry to hear of the flu epidemic you are involved with and I'm especially happy your son was not injured during the accident.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

GLad to see you back to yourself again. Sorry to hear that you have been ill on top of everything else, Saur.

Lice scares me!

Deb said...

The scariest thing is to see Jennifer Love Hewitt in my closet. Ugh, can't stand that girl!

Anyway, I think we all had our 'little demons' to deal with and boogiemen in our closets.

Now that I'm 'out of the closet', the only thing I fear is my gilfriend now. Hmmm... Maybe I should go back in.

Suzy-Q said...

I am not afraid of the dark at my house, but I am afraid of the dark in unfamiliar surroundings.

Lee Ann said...

My top scares are the ones listed under Top Scares for Adults...probably in that order!

How cute you must have been as a child muttering about your weapons to yourself.

Fred said...

My mother-in-law. She scares the crap out of me.

Dave said...

My fears are as follows:

The movie “Fatal Attraction”
Meetings where you’ve been with more than one woman in the room
Going out of town with a hot colleague
Jehovah Witnesses
Insurance salesman

Whistle Britches said...

In the 6th grade I played Marley in A Christmas Carol and at night the curtains would turn into the Ghost of Christmas past.

Forced tolerance.

Dan said...

The other night, I want to bed with the lights out. As I was falling asleep, I could have sworn that there were some light flashes that I saw. Two hours later, I woke up with the lights full on. WTF? How could lights turn on by themselves when they were turned off? I still have no explanation for that.

Nihilistic said...

Malcolm David Kelley is afraid of animals? Large dogs? HEHE - And they make him act on the show with that big dog! AND get attacked by a "Polar Bear" I bet he just loves going to work!

Home alone at night with the lights off I always think I'm going to be grabbed by something...I've even ran!

High Power Rocketry said...

My biggest fears are pretty logical ones I think :)

Fear of fire and severe burns.

Fear of drowning and getting trapped under water.

Fear of being locked in small spaces until I die.

Fear of going blind.

Fear of terrorism.

Paul Nichols said...

Interesting that no one mentioned "shots/needles" or "dentists." The power of the pen at work again. See, your poll suggested some sissy stuff like spiders and Monsters, Inc. and guess what you got? Now I'm suggesting if the poll had suggested car crashes, rapes, muggings and the like, your responses would have been far different.

Well, it was interesting anyway.

one L said...

i have lots of fears... but the one i cannot seem to overcome is: edges. like the kind on bridges, and cliffs and such. i always thought it was a fear of heights, but then i found the same inexplicable body phenomenon occured on walkways that are very low to the ground, but have no railways. my sense of gravity shifts abruptly and i find it hard to lift my feet... which in turn makes my movements jaggy and then i of course, i almost fall.

fear is intensely powerful.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Fare_Vahine interesting! I've never thought about it, but it makes sense, actually.

Paul, an interesting observation! YOu're on to something.

Mr. Fabulous, luckily, you never have to face that fear. ;o)

Alex, great list! I agree with them all. But they're not really phobic, just the natural fear of the pain you'd have to undergo, right?

Nihilistic, Oh boy, am I with you there!

Dan, I saw that in your blog today, and told you a funny story about a recent experience in OUR household.

Suzie, great list on your site! I still don't get the fear of chins though. I think the only remedy would be to force all family members to wear face scarves like the muslim women do...

Uncle Joe, stay strong, my brother!

Mr. Gator, well, you should fear beautiful women. We all know how you're constantly having to beat them away with a stick. I'm with you on the other fears, as well!

Fred, me too!

Saur♥Kraut said...

Lee Ann, I was considered...eccentric, by most people. ;o)

Auntie Jo, I can understand that.

Deb, you're definately germaphobic!

Barb, good one! Me too! I can't stand any parasites.

Kathleen, what happened???

Jamie Dawn, ditto to it all!

FTS, oh you'll get there, all right! I know how much you love that snow! I can't imagine anything that could stop you.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Notsocranky, oh yeah. My laundry pile is as formidable~!

Paul, :D Interesting about public speaking. I love to do it, though I instantly turn as red as a tomato when I start to speak(???)

Old Hoss, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Ellen, don't move to Florida, then!

Random Girl, Me too! And yeah, sometimes they forget to lock the back door. What is up with that??? Sometimes I think a little fear is healthy!

Lazy Iguana, only if you get a lobotomy.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Paul, you know, it probably sounds weird to someone else (to hear one of your fears is losing your Bibles) but for those of us that are as familiar with our particular Bibles, and the notes we have scrawled in them, it is truly scary.

I remember once leaving the car with my Bible in the seat and asking my mom to go back and lock up the car. "Oh forget it," she said breezily. "If someone steals it, they need it worse than you do!" Maybe... but when you've owned one for a while and you've broken it in, you hate to lose it.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I thought you were raised Catholic first then got all Baptist on your own ass?

That doesn't count as BA, that's just changing the guard, what I mean by BA is those who never believed shit and led a crap life and then suddenly found God and are zealots.

Whistle Britches said...

Saur I really admire you. You're a better superhero than me.
I'm growing into the old cranky batman who would rather just punch the bad guy in the face.

Anonymous said...

Saur, long story and still not conclusive. I am positive and will fill you in later. Thanks for the good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

that is Kathleen. Sheesh. Bedtime I guess.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Daniel, ahhh, you mean zealot. Yeah, those are nasty creatures. No, I never was Catholic, and ended up rejecting the Christian Fundamentalism doctrines. My parents taught me to be an original thinker, but sometimes I think they wonder if they let the cat outta the bag...

Uncle Joe, but then, that works too! :D

Kathleen, poor thing. Give us details later. I know Michelle wants to know, too.

Davoh said...

38% Snakes
36% Fear of heights
22% Scary movies
8% Fear of the dark

99.5% of snakes are shit scared of humans.
99.96 of birds have no fear of heights (as well as a few peculiar humans who build Hi-rise Condominiums, fly aircraft, hang glige, climb mount Everest .. or undertake excercises greater than 6 inches above ground level.
88% of humans use Hollywood or the Vatican as an excuse for fear.
92% actually believe that the sun will rise on the morrow.

The Zombieslayer said...

Waking up to find my wife gone and replaced with either Jennifer Love Hewitt or Jessica Simpson. Now, that would be a real bad nightmare.

chosha said...

Spiders freak me out. They are too unpredictable. Once out of your sight, you don't know where they'll appear next. The thought of one crawling on me is too much to bear.

Getting older doesn't thrill me, but it doesn't frighten me either. The idea of being alone when I'm old is scary though.