And make a note of the businesses which had to close because their workers were boycotting. Then report them to your local INS office. I am sorry to say that the government doesn't hire very bright people, and they're having a terrible time finding these illegal aliens who openly picket in our streets. You'll help them out a great deal if you can narrow it down for them a bit.
There is a bill in Congress right now which will make illegal immigration a felony. Please email these people to let them know how you feel:
- Your local congressmen/women in both houses. To get their email addresses, go to both The House of Representatives and The United States Senate.
- Vice President Cheney.
- President Bush. Although his email address isn't listed any longer(!), it's still probably this one. But, copy it to the regular comments email addy as well.
The family will be going to dinner tonight. I am shopping for groceries, gas and will pick up a few more odds and ends I have been meaning to get recently.
Kathleen, You hit on every salient point: short and sweet. Good job, and enjoy your shopping spree!
Im not going to go on a spending spree, simply because I dont think that will really help anything. I dont see how giving my money to the same corporations that export jobs AND help create the lame conditions in places like mexico.
Anonymous, and you'd be a fool to do so. Did I say to spend money where such practices are tolerated? No. Spend it where they respect the American worker. My point is: spend it TODAY, not another day this week. And if you think it won't help anything, I guess you don't vote, either.
I don't think I will do anything out of my normal either. I agree with your view points on immigration as does my wife who is a legal immigrant. Funny how it is always touted as an immigration protest when really it is about ILLEGAL immigration. Unless you are a native Indian, we are all immigrants.
But back to why I am not going to go out of my way to spend today. I realize you are saying it tongue in cheek but it really is pointless as anonymous said. Spending money at businesses that remain open teaches the illegal immigrants what? I would rather encourage people to video tape and write down the names of as many of them as possible and submit them to the INS for deportation. More effective. Besides, like the gas boycott for high prices, you simply shift the money you would have spent on illegal immigrant services to another day. The only way to effectively boycott is to make it permanent.
Im gona buy some underwear! I REALLY NEED IT.
Getting gas and ording out or stopping on the way home for dinner. I am encouraging all of my coworkers also.
We're not buying gas from major companies as a general protest, but other than that, we're going shopping after school today for baby stuff.
I am glad you mentioned gas. We don't use the major companies either. I do believe we should all stop shopping at Exxon/Mobile.
Oil companies are the best to buy gas from and which major companies import Middle Eastern oil
Shell 205,742,000 barrels
144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil 130,082,000 barrels
17,740,000 barrels
Amoco 62,231,000 barrels
Here are some large companies that do NOT import Middle Eastern oil:
0 barrels
Sunoco 0 barrels
Conoco 0 barrels
Sinclair 0 barrels
BP/Phillips 0 barrels
Hess 0 barrels
All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and each is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are
Anon of 11:59 thanks for your contribution!
Michelle, excellent points; no matter WHAT we buy it helps.
UWL, glad to know that you're still doing well and baby's on schedule! ;o)
Alex, oh yeah, me too! I really do, and keep meaning to get it. Good thought!
Reverberate, ah well. At least you can still write your gov't. officials!
Ed, excellent points and observations. I think the idea of spending today especially, however, counterracts their lack of spending (which is probably minimal, I grant you). I agree with jotting down their info for the INS.
Rabbit, rabbit! Thanks again for the great bunny picture.
I can't say that I agree with you on the immigration stuff. But... it's a free country! You can write this opinion and go on a spending spree... I'm going to our City Hall tonight to be with the immigrants.
I wasn't able to link you (just too much of a novice to know how), but you did get a mention because of a link you sent me to.
Feel free to drop by and add a link in my comments!
"Some counter-protests
Some of the rallies drew small numbers of counter-protesters, including one in Pensacola, Fla.
“You should send all of the 13 million aliens home, then you take all of the welfare recipients who are taking a free check and make them do those jobs,” said Jack Culberson, a retired Army colonel who attended the Pensacola rally. “It’s as simple as that.”
Jesse Hernandez, who owns a Birmingham, Ala., company that supplies Hispanic laborers to companies around the Southeast, shut down his four-person office in solidarity with the demonstrations.
“Unfortunately, human nature is that you don’t really know what you have until you don’t have it,” he said."
In Minnesota, today was a non-event. The only point they made here was...um, well I don't think they made a point.
I, like others, found it annoying on CNN today that the news anchors kept referring to this as an immigrant protest rather than an illegal immigrant protest.
I purchased more Mrs. Paul's Breaded Fish Sticks, pickles, grapes and peanut butter.
I think I made my point.
I didn't get out of the office today so I didn't get to see what was going on but I did notice that the Mexican woman who normally feather dusts my desk every evening was nowhere to be seen. I called building maintenance.
Are you wheelchair bound?
I never try on clothes...well Jackets I will, but shirts and pants I do not. I just hate it! HATE IT!
The law of unintended consequences...the interstate and service streets flowed a little more freely. The stores were not jam packed full of disruptive and unruly children. The first of the month, they still went out and shopped - just not to work or school. Interesting. I am trying to find the down side here.
it's great you're all upset about illegal immigration, saur, but do you have any ideas for solving the problem other than "sending them back where they came from?"
fine and dandy to demand enforcement of current laws, but what if those laws need to be changed? have you ever heard of the chinese exclusion act? the premise for that ugly law was basically the same as anti-illegal-immigration arguments today, yet it was a terribly immoral law that was essentially upheld for nearly a century. read about it here:
as for mexicans taking over the united states, i'm quite confident that our extremely borg-like culture is up to the challenge. i can't think of any people group or culture anywhere in the world that is impervious to american culture. take those mexicans who want to conquer our country, put them in a nice, comfortable suburb and let their kids go to middle school and "resistance is futile," they will be assimilated!
Someone on the news said: "I wonder if they are boycotting the welfare and foodstamps as well."
I found that quite funny.
Might we note that not only illegal immigrants protested but legal immigrants
(which unless you all are Native Americans, you all are) and if we want to be technical about citizenship, so did some US citizens? So, I would disagree that this is an Illegal immigrant protest... and I think the news was only reporting it because of the traffic jams it caused in major cities.
ts - I think you may be feeling that this is about racism. On my part it is not. I have family members who are of Mexican heritage. For me this is about ILLEGAL immigration of a magnitude that has caused deep financial hardship for US citizens in communities that border Mexico due to the demands created by these illegal immigrants for free services in the areas of medical care, educational accommodations and housing and welfare services. It is further about the security of our borders from the flow of undocumented, unscreened and unskilled individuals coming to our communities for undetermined reasons and with no resources to provide for themselves. It is about thirty percent of the GNP of Mexico coming from dollars being sent back to family members in Mexico. It is about ten percent of all the individuals born in Mexico now living in the United States. It is about the rights of a sovereign nation to secure its borders and enforce its laws for the good of its people. Mexico needs to attend to the needs of its own citizens in its own country.
This is a great nation, not a flawless one. The quota of Chinese immigrants was wrong. A great nation is a nation that is in a continual state of improvement. The people of this nation have proven themselves as generous and forgiving. We as a nation allow for the legal immigration of many foreign nationals each year. In fact the United States allows more people to legally immigrate to this country than all the nations of the world collectively. This is about establishing the boundaries for what is good for us as a nation and enforcing those boundaries for the good of all Americans.
I went to work, but I did not buy anything.
Most stores and stuff were open in Miami. The Cubans are all legal, as the law says that any Cuban that floats here and makes it to dry land is allowed in. Only those stopped at sea are sent back.
So the Cubans did not care about this illegal immigration stuff. To them, it is a Mexican problem - not a Cuban one. Cubans look down on Mexicans, as if they are so much better.
Go figure.
i certainly don't think the majority of americans are racist. (according to polls, most have similar sentiments to those expressed by commenters here.) however, there is a natural tendency among residents of ANY country at ANY time to blame societal problems on immigrants, be they legal or not.
my wife is from malaysia, and whenever i hear malaysians talk about problems in their country, it always goes back to the issue of illegal immigrants from indonesia. it's just human nature to blame the outsiders.
also, as a christian, i believe other people's problems are in some part my problem as well. "no man is an island, entire unto himself." i think it is incumbent on the most wealthy nation in the world to do even more than it currently is to help the poor, no matter their nationality. (consider we spend hundreds of billions on defense, but just a pittance in international aid by comparison.) i'm not asking the entire population of the united states to agree with me, but since this is a democracy i'm going to make my voice heard. hopefully, some will agree with me.
Nice post. Had I been running the country, I'd do the same thing Eisenhouer did - ship 'em back. It's too bad political correctness has sterilized the American people. Good to see someone out there still has guts.
ts - Understood. I do respect your right to disagree. I have read many posts by you over time and all are well thought out and interesting points of view. I am sure there are many that agree with you on this issue.
yes, yes, yes!!!
i spent about 200.00 on may 1. i will continue to boycott all the stores that were closed (i am very thankful my dry cleaner didn't boycott). here in my part of OC, closed stores were hard to find. only one mexican restaurant was closed, so i had sushi instead.
i heard all the mexican neighborhood businesses were the only stores closed, so they boycotted themselves.
the day was ZERO impact on the economy and the traffic was wonderful that day. it was just a nice glimpse into how much better the CA freeways would be if the illegals all went home.
wanna be American? do it the right way, the legal way. simple.
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