I have discovered a wonderful little site called The Consumerist, which offers all sorts of tips on how to get out certain obligations you should never have committed such as gym memberships and cell phone contracts.
Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (a.k.a. "President Tom") just sent a letter to the American people. I didn't have an easy time finding the actual letter, but if you'd like to see it in it's entirety (on a Jewish website!) go here.
It's very easy to dismiss it at first. The stilted language and the earnest nerdiness of it all makes you think of that weird kid you avoided in highschool. You know, the one that always played Dungeons & Dragons and renamed all of his friends with codenames like Ulraf The Great and Frodo. He didn't bathe often, and was always trying to get in your face and vehemently discuss something that you had absolutely no interest in.
President Tom's disgusting prejudice against an ethnic group (the Jews) is enough to stop most educated people from wanting to read the letter. And I can't say that I blame anyone who wishes to avoid it.
Glenn Beck did a great run-down on it today. I don't feel like tackling it right now. Suffice it to say, the most important part is the last paragraph:
"We should all heed the Divine Word of the Holy Qur’an: "But those who repent, have faith and do good may receive Salvation. Your Lord, alone, creates and chooses as He will, and others have no part in His choice; Glorified is God and Exalted above any partners they ascribe to Him." (28:67-68) I pray to the Almighty to bless the Iranian and American nations and indeed all nations of the world with dignity and success."
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Islamic faith, this is President Tom's polite way of declaring war.
Just as Osama Bin Laden, he is telling us that the ultimate authority is Allah. And, in classic radical Islamic thinking, this means that if the U.S.A. doesn't accept that authority and turn to Allah, we are free game.
Make no mistake about it. President Tom has just declared war against us, and this is his final warning shot. It's aimed not simply toward us. It's also an attempt to let all the other Islamic countries know that he has fulfilled all the religious obligations which he must do before he can attack.
Good thing our military is overextended by the futile attempt to occupy Iraq!
But even so, it does not matter. The 30 years of bad energy policy is going to finally catch up with us. In the late 70s, Carter announced in a speech that there is an energy crisis and suggested increased funding for alternative energy technology. Ronnie Ray-Gun undid it all, on account of it "costing too much money". American cars continued to get a lower MPG rating than did the Ford Model T. In the short term, some money was made. But who cares about the long term when you are as old as Ronnie was? It is not like you will be alive to see the long term results of your short term greed.
So now China wants to modernize. And how can they do this? They have one choice. Oil. They need it just as we do. It is well known that China is cutting oil deals with whoever they can. Mostly Iran, Venezuela, and right now Canada is building a pipeline to the Pacific. I wonder who they plan to ship to?
China will back Iran, because Iran is China's oil depot. It is likely that an attack on Iran is also an attack on China. Possibly Russia too. Can we really do this?
I do not think so. Our economy is way too dependent on cheap crap from China. Will we really bomb the factories Wal-Mart needs to make their stock worth a crap? A war with a real power will mean a lot more than a war in Iraq. Aircraft carriers will be sunk. US Cities will be bombed. Hundreds of thousands if not millions will be killed on the ground.
And all because of oil. Good thing we saved all that money in the 80s huh?
I had a t-shirt maker in college and one of my best selling t-shirts was "Make my day, blow an Iranian away." The neat part was that it was written in the cross-hairs of a rifle site.
This is a great way to make money in college.
Do you really think that Iran is going to attack the US? I can't even conceive of that happening. They love rhetoric and have for a long long time. If the US decided they were going to occupy Iran, perhaps they would try and attack, but how would they get there? Don't think it is going to happen.
Not so much into the doom and gloom scenarios.
Scott - what about the crazy idea that a man living in a cave on the other side of the world could attack New York City? Or how about a few guys in a center console boat not much larger than my boat attacking a US Navy warship?
Lazy, couldn't agree with you more.
Scott, ahhh, famous (and wishful) last words. I would love to think that you're right. Unfortunately, it's just well-intentioned naivete.
Gator, leave it to you. ;o) I won't even bother with a politically correct correction cuz I'm too tired to do so.
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