
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Global Warming

Years ago when they began talking about global warming (in the 80s) I was one of the Young Republicans. (Incidentally, Churchill said "If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart.If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain." I always loved the quote even though my growth has been the reverse of that, and I feel comfortable in neither party).

Now, a close relative of mine is a brilliant, internationally acclaimed scientist. He is my favorite relative, and I can talk with him night and day and never need the TV, a book, or a break. When Rush Limbaugh began spouting childish mockeries of the global warming concept, The Scientist would very gently say that the evidence for global warming was quite strong. Because I knew that The Scientist was right 99% of the time, I was truly conflicted. I guess it was The Scientist that really caused me to re-evaluate my knee-jerk arch-conservative leanings. To live brilliantly, one must think brilliantly and look at all angles. That doesn't mean that conservatives are wrong all the time, any more than it means that liberals are.

Now we know that global warming is a fact. Recently scientists discovered their data was incorrect due to a factor they hadn't taken into account. They had been releasing weather balloons during the day and night, and hadn't adjusted for the fact that the temperatures would be different in the daytime. I haven't had a chance to discuss this with The Scientist yet, but I can just see him rolling his eyes.


United We Lay said...

If you ask our President, the jury's still out on global warming. My husband and I are very ecologically conscious. We drove a hybrid until it was ironically destroyed by an SUV (we thought for a while that joke may have been about us). Globally warming is happening and there are going to be consequences.

Jeff said...

But you have to admit, Rush's argument does make sense or at the very least, it does make you think. He has pointed out that while we pollute more and more, the ozone hole is indeed closing. (I researched that myself after I heard him say it.) He has also pointed out that what we do is nothing compared to what nature does in terms of ozone depleting polution say from Mount St. Helens alone. And what about them pesky cow farts? I do believe in protecting the environment and it disgusts me to no end to see what people will do to parks and such so don't get me wrong, but the arguments he presents do cause me to take pause and ponder the impact of his words on this one. Sure it seems to be a trend that it gets warmer each year, but could this indeed just be nothing more than a natural cycle the earth undertakes on it's own? In billions of years of history, we have only documented a couple hundred years of it. It's the equivalent of one single sperm in a hefty load so to speak so who's really to say? Did ancient civilizations that were wiped out by drought and the like maybe believe they were experiencing some sort of global warming? Who knows? It's a hard thing to try to figure out and even harder to figure out is if it really is something that we are doing. The sad truth to the argument is that it seems to be less scientific than political so opinions run strong. I think I can fairly say that I sit on the fence on this one but it's a lonely perch because most folks are clearly on one side or the other in this debate and if you pick a side to be on, you steer way clear of that fence because emotion clouds your judgement. Maybe part of the argument that fuels those emotions and beliefs is that alot of those things we attribute to global warming are not only bad for the environment, but bad for us too. Maybe part of it is that the very idea of global warming leads to fear of the end of the world and causes us to face the fact that compared to earth, we are insignificant. Very insignificant. Ask those that were there for that tsunami not too long ago. Ask anyone that's ever been in a good earthquake or a hurricane or a tornado. I was in Castle Rock, WA on may 18, 1980 visiting my grandparents. That's only about 30 miles from the mountain and you can trust me when I tell you this, I know how little my dumb ass matters to mother earth. The thought of our contribution to global warming and the possible end of humanity as we know it by our own hand forces us to face our own mortality and quite frankly, that scares us thus fueling our emotions to a boiling point. It's the fact that noone knows more than the temperature that bothers us most not unlike reaching into an animal hole in the ground. The unknown factor of what may possibly be in that hole makes the very thought of sticking our hand in there shit our pants or it at least has that affect on me anyhow. There are people out there that any rational person would indeed call an "environmentalist wacko" and recently that unknown factor has been stoking their fears about other things as well. There is talk now by those groups that alot of the earthquakes that are experienced in the far west US are being caused by the extraction of natural gas pockets. The concept stems from the idea that we are removing that pocket of gas and lowering the pressure in those holes allowing the earth to collapse on itself underground and those underground shifts are what causes the earthquakes. The argument makes sense. I couldn't personally find a reason to argue with it were it not for the fact that gas it compressable and therefore, if the earth wanted to move, it would move right through that gas. You also have to factor in that those holes are filled with water when the gas is removed. Water is not compressable and would actually act as a brace so the very notion that removing the gas allows the earth to shift in the end makes no least not to me. Those groups that claim that are the same groups that believe we should not use any natural resources of any kind what-so-ever. Their politics and their emotions on the issue of protecting earth cloud their judgement and when they get their word out, people on the one side of the fence buy right into it and the fear and paranoia of the consequences of our actions override any rational thought. People on the other side of the fence write them off as wackos and let's face it, who really wants to listen to someone that they think is a complete fucking moo-ron? Those people's ability to take into consideration even the remote possibility that the wackos may be onto something becomes completely obsolete due to the emotions they have concerning those they think are idiots. Who knows the answer to any of it? Maybe that's why I'm so in love with the notion of Carpe Diem. I thik in the end though, Rush is right in that earth made it a long time just fine without us and will make it a long time just fine without us when it gets ready to again someday. Until then...

Jeff said...

Here's something I put on my own blog that you may want to talk about...

If you are following the news about the constitution writing process in Iraq, then you most certainly know that yesterday was the deadline for finishing it and they didn't make it. Now a week long extension to the deadline was granted and the news service is having a field day with it. Basically, the thought is that this inability for the Iraqi government to work out their problems and meet a deadline is the president's fault and the American public believes, at least the news tells us they believe, that not completing the constitution on time is a sign that this is nothing but a huge failure. We are saying that because they could not hammer out the minor differences of opinion that this is all a waste. That the Iraqi government is a joke and deserves ridicule. Is it just me, or does it seem that we are somehow holding the Iraqi government to a much higher standard than we hold our own? Our very own government has these same problems. Look at the social security issue. Why can we not settle on a solution to the problem and fix it after how fucking long now? That is JUST social security that we are bickering over so much. How about the judges? Or what about the UN ambassador? Or in Texas, the governor has forced several special sessions of the state legislature to try and force them to come to a compromise on school finance and still...STILL no answer so what did they do? That's right, they gave up. These are just a couple of examples of our own government fighting over a single...ONE issue. Iraq is trying to come to an agreement on the basis, the very foundation of their government. I just don't see how it's fair that we condemn them and the president for not getting done by a deadline when we can't even seem to come close to doing the same thing ourselves. Seems fairly hypocritical to me but then again, who the fuck am I?

Got any opinions?

Saur♥Kraut said...

Jeff, you have a very good point about the Iraqi government / constitution. We take our own sweet time. I guess we should be very grateful that they take it seriously enough that they aren't just trying to do a mad dash!

I've heard the pollution-is-good-for-the-ozone theory too. I will have to discuss it with The Scientist to get his take on it. My guess is that it doesn't make a lot of sense because the earth was doing just fine before pollution, and if we have global warming (potentially) then it would seem logical to look for a cause. The only change is increased I would also think the pollution is eating away at the ozone, instead of just sitting there in happy harmony. Again, just a gut instinct though, with no scientific knowlege of the matter.

Everyone, I've strained my left hand somehow so I won't be interracting as much for a couple days, probably...

Polanco, funny about the SUV. I personally don't like them much, because they just seem like such a huge waste. Expensive, gas guzzling, and unless you're transporting a football team, what are you doing with one???

Eddo said...

Ugh. My brain hurts now from reading all of that. I have to say I am with Jeff, I sit on the fence because I am like most of America - too concerned with my own life and the fact that the world is going to Hell in a hand basket, Global warming if it is happening is part of God's plan - he's in control, I let him worry about it.

TLP said...

Global warming is a fact. Period. I really have trouble understanding how it is that people don't get it.

United We Lay said...

We miss our hybrid! I was great having one. It got 500 miles to the tank on the highway. My husband curriered in DC at the ime and it saved us a lot of money.

The Lazy Iguana said...

Here is how the "pollution is good for ozone" logic works.

In the 1600s, there was no global warming, but there were a lot of pirates. It just so happens that as the naval powers of the world reduced the number of pirates, global temp climbed.

So obviously, what we need are more pirates!

See how fake science works? Take two totally unrelated observations, put them together, and call it valid data. After all - can you prove that the lack of pirates is NOT a cause of global warming?

Rush, and the rest of the idiots out there who think that over-consuming is the American way of life need to grow up. Over-consumption is not sustainable.

If America had instituted real measures to conserve oil back in the 1980s, we would be better off today. Yea, you might not have that land yacht in your driveway (without paying a large tax that is), but gas might not be closing in on $3 a gallon either.

But using less gas is totally un-american. If we do not all drive vehicles that get more than 12 mpg in the city, the French have won.

michelle said...

I thought you were a bit quiet. How is your hand? Call me cell tomorrow during the day on Wednesday. I won't be around in the evening.

Lila said...

Great post. Yeah, global warming is real, all right. Maybe people will understand when the melting glaciers cut off the Gulf Stream and Europe has another Ice Age... not really that far-fetched, according to the scientists I know.

High Power Rocketry said...

Arg its painful sometimes for scientists to see people pretend to know what they are saying about important issues...

But anyway, just one thing (because im too tired to correct anything else) but the ozone hole is closing because that form of pollution actually is reduced. It has nothing to do with global warming, and does not indicate that our other more serious problems are not getting worse; they certainly are.

Dave said...

Since you have a smart scientist relative please ask him to elaborate on the following. I claim that evolution is not a plausible theory because man cannot perform oral sex on himself. I found my wife's Ozone so this isn't an issue for me butt I would like to get independent confirmation of my argument.

Thanks for your help.

Fred said...

I love the Churchill quote. Please allow me to steal it for my class!

Yes, global warming is here. One only needs to look at temperatures across the world this summer and the increased hurricane activity. It all adds up.

Davoh said...

OK sour, am entering the fray. slowly at this point. have much to learn.

Davoh said...

whatever happened to 'global dimming' ?

Davoh said...

and maybe, just maybe, use stupid humans might, perhaps, survive.

Jamie Dawn said...

I'm not one who panics over this issue. I don't see a "Day After Tomorrow" thing happening. If global warming is a proven danger to the world's existence, then it will be taken seriously. I agree with Rush & Jeff that natural occurences cause these supposedly alarming things on a massive scale. I think Mother Nature can handle it, but if global warming seems to be a real and present danger, it must be dealt with. To date, I don't see any reason to stop driving my car or stop using hair spray.

Jeff said...

I'll reply to Jamie...

It's sort of like the argument in believing in God. It goes something like this...You would be absolutely stupid NOT to believe in God. Let's say you live your life and do all the things you're supposed to do and die and follow god's word and all that, only to learn that all this time you were wrong, that there is no God and there is no heaven. Was it really all a waste? Was it really all so bad to spend your entire life trying to live up to the often impossibly high set of moral standards that God has decried? Was it so bad to spend your life sacrificing yourself and your blessings for others not so blessed by fortune no matter how you define fortune? One needn't look outside of the confines of our very own society to see that "me me me" mentality and how it hurts damn near every single aspect of our society as a whole. Do you really think we would be so litigious were it not for greed and the simple fact that EVERYONE feels they are entitled to whatever whim they may posess? I wasn't alive a long time ago so I have no idea, but was it always this bad? Was everyone driven by their own greed 100 years ago? Who's to say, but I could only guess that it used to be alot more "help your neighbor" than "fuck him, what's he ever done for me?" When's the last time you considered helping out someone on the side of the road? We don't, we have shit to do! When's the last time you mowed the old lady next door's grass just to be nice? We don't, that bitch has money and can afford to hire someone besides, we have shit to do! Remember when you used to stop and pick up a hitch hiker? FUCK THEM, they ain't stinkin' up my car and besides, I have shit to do and don't have time to waste dropping that bum off! "Get a job, bum! I have shit to do!" These are the type of things religion stresses yet society seems to have long forgotten. So you don't get to go to heaven because there is no heaven, was it really that bad to live like that?
Flip the coin...
You live your life in the moment. You do whatever you can to get all you can to make you the richest you can be. You don't care who you walk on to get there. "Fuck 'em, lead or get the fuck out of my way!" You don't care that you ruined your family because you sued over that Sept. 11 death money given to your dad and the $700,000 ended up mostly in the lawyers hands in the end, you got your piece so piss on him. Your half of it wasn't enough for you and after legal fees your poor dad will be broke and grieving forever. But who cares? You got your piece, right? ( You live your entire life oblivious to the impact you have on others because all you give a shit about is yourself and then you die only to find out that there really is a God and there really is a heaven and, conversly, there really is a hell too and you punched your train ticket to hell time and time again because you failed to live by God's word and now you're doomed to suffer that fabled eternal damnation. Now you feel like a fucking idiot because you should have listened, of course "It's not my fault, it was my medication. It was my mental state. It was my mom spanking me. It was that EVIL smoker at the lunch counter next to me for all those years. It was corporate America. It was George Bush." I think you get the idea by now...
The arguement says that belief in God is and should be a given because what does it hurt not to? Where is the sacrifice in believing and trying to get into heaven when the sacrifice for not is so apparently clear, assuming you are wrong.
Now flip the argument to the environment. By my words, I wasn't trying to take one side or the other, I was merely asking questions. Some of the other responses on here clearly pointed out that one can't, generally speaking of course, look at this without emotion. (This is not picking on anyone or judging you for your opinion so please don't take offense.) Some also pointed to the short sightedness of alot of folks. Not picking on Fred at all, but when you say something like, "Yes, global warming is here. One only needs to look at temperatures across the world this summer and the increased hurricane activity. It all adds up." you only fuel the fire of a Rush Limbaugh because that is excatly what he is talking about. In some ways, it's also what I'm talking about because for most people these days, it's damn near impossible for them to see outside their own little bubble. It's hotter this year than last and there's more storms so OF COURSE!, global warming is happening. It's a proven fact now because you are sweaty. Be real, my friend. That in no way shows that global warming is occuring. And, not to burst anyone's bubble further, but how do you account for other things such as the fact that this year in Texas, it is actually alot cooler than last and is having a great amount of rainfall? Does this mean the global warming is done and an ice age is setting in? Holy fuck! What's a man to do? It's clever politics and emotion that drives that. Again, I personally, as I said, tend to agree with Rush that global warming is probably not happening and that it is very vain of someone to actually think that we humans are so good as to hurt something like earth. But what if I'm wrong? What if you're wrong, Jamie? What if our attitude toward this one is only delying the necessary and therefore pushing the planet to a point where nothing we do can be reversed? Ride now, pay later? Only this time I'm pretty sure the interest will be too much get out from under so it would be a fucking fool that didn't want to try and conserve. It would be a fucking fool that didn't to try and stop global warming. It would be a fucking fool that didn't choose that low emissions, fuel efficient car over that hummer. (My fat ass drives a 45 mpg honda civic for the record.) Having an attitude like that is fine, but when the day ends, you have to ask yourself...what if I'm wrong and what would a little sacrifice now hurt if it really did have that huge payoff in the end? The sad truth though is that there is just no way to tell if I am wrong. It's called faith.

I hope I didn't lose the train of thought too many times and become incoherent. If I did, I apologize but the phone has rang about twenty times and I've had to get it all because I'm trying to get booked into some damn comedy clubs so going and coming back is not so easy. Again, not picking on anyone in particular, like me, you are quite entitled to your own particular opinions, just trying to ask the hard questions and maybe make you think. Until later...

United We Lay said...

The "Day After Tomorrow" thing works for me. We have survived for a long time through a lot of climate changes. I think it'll probably be an Ice Age king of thing, and I think we're going to be okay. Or at least some of us will be. I'm as ecologically friendly as I can be, and we even eat organically most of the time. I teach my students about ecology, but besides that, what else can I do? I take the same approach I do with all things: I do what I can and don't stress (usually) about what I can't.

Tyson said...

"Global warming if it is happening is part of God's plan - he's in control, I let him worry about it."

well, as a christian, i have to say that God put humans in charge of the earth (read genesis chapter 1) and so we ought to be good stewards.

global warming is true, but it would be true even without pollution because we're coming out of an ice age. the question is how much is pollution accelerating the change?

Davoh said...

Whatever happened to "global dimming"?