When I was a teenager, I was a punk rocker. If and when I admit to that now, people stare at me incredulously. I am now well-groomed, wear tasteful accessories and business suits, and speak in full sentences. I'll walk by a Goth and say enviously (as I pass them) "Great outfit! I love it!" They probably wonder why someone who dresses like Sigourney Weaver in Working Girl would be admiring their "rebellious" costumes. They most likely think they're making an individual statement. What copycats.
A guilty pleasure that remains is my love of heavy metal music (although I like all types of music). I follow a lot of the latest bands and you can see me, jamming to The Gorillaz, on my way to a business appointment. One of my favorite groups is Saliva.
My friend Tony ("The Mouth of the South") used to go out of town regularly on business trips. He travelled the country and should've been recruited to write hotel reviews; he was an expert. One night he rolled into a large town late, and stopped at the nearest hotel where he had a reservation. Another guy was standing next to him, and they reached the counter at the same time. The other guy gave his name, only to find out that he wasn't registered, after all. Tony listened to the conversation as he was getting checked in. "Oh c'mon," pled the man. "You have to have something! We're the band Saliva, for god's sake!"
Tony couldn't stand it any more. "Oh you have got to be kidding," he snapped. "I've heard a lotta desperate b.s. in my life, but this is ridiculous. Like anyone would have a name as stupid as Saliva!" The guy didn't get his room.
When Tony came back into town, we went out to a nice dinner and he told me this story, laughing until he saw my face. "What?" he asked. "What?"
Another thing we share! My husband was in a punk band in high school. His best friend is obsessed with '70's punk. My kids will have a great music education!
I am OK with Heavy Metal. Just do me a favor, if you also like Barry Manilow, NEVER admit it Please!!!!!!! *G*
Sigourney Weaver in Working Girl? Jeez, I had forgotten all about that movie! Harrison Ford and Melanie Griffith, right? My goodness you stirred up some cobwebs this morning!
I guess I'm incredibly square, I've never heard of Saliva but I am a fan of the heavy stuff. I don't like the that growly death-metal voice thing that has become so popular though in recent heavy metal. It makes me worry about their vocal cords...I'm such a mom.
It takes a little gettin' used to, but if you've never listened to System of a Down, I would suggest the album Toxicity. It's one of the better ones you can buy in the metal genre. You may also want to try the bands Clutch, Dope, Days of the New, Rammstein, Monster Magnet, or, if you like Rob Zombie, Scum of the Earth is the members of his band White Zombie and Powerman 5000 is his brother and both of those bands are outstanding as well. These are a couple better ones that fly just a smidgeon below the radar but are all really good. Satellite radio opens alot of doors to music you will never hear on the radio. Just a little something that may help broaden your horizons a bit.
I knew a guy that was the spittin' image of.... Maybe that's different saliva. Could be. I don't know about heavy metallic things.
We have quite a few Goths at school. It's always amusing to me to see how elaborate they are with their dress, yet they still have a SpongeBob bag around their shoulders to carry their books. It doesn't quite fit with with rest of the outfit.
I have a special place in my heart for the Goth kids. We all try not to show favorites, but I have a hing with the underdog.
I love rock. Heavy metal is okay, but not rap. Can't stand rap.
LOL on yesterday's billboards. I'm catching up on my "reading."
You do like to surprise us.
Michelle, well...aren't we all comprised of different experiences? I just was lucky enough to have more than most.
Tan Lucy, I love the billboards! I read through the site, laughing like a hyena...
Acton Bell, yes! You're right.
Polanco & Fred, You know that studies show that people who listen to heavy metal/punk have the highest IQs of all the groups? So if you can get through to them, those Goths could become your best and most creative students. I do like the visual of the Spongebob backpacks...
Oldhorsetailsnake, *LOL*
Jeff, Thanks for the tips! I'll check them out. We have a great heavy metal band in the area, BTW. They just signed with a major promoter so you'll be hearing more of them. Their website is www.seven2seven.com
Godlessmom, yeah, the movie is pretty old, huh? But I couldn't think of a better dressed professional woman that everyone could relate to immediately... Your comment about the vocal chords is correct - I trained to sing opera and I wince when I hear the strain. But some of those singers are professionally trained and if you listen carefully, you discover that they're doing it the right way. They won't end up like poor Stevie Nicks.
Mallory, Well...you know how I said I like a wide variety of music...? Um, I used to really like him when I was a kid. But, I don't listen to him anymore (though I do like the new Donny Osmond CD).
You're welcome and there's tons more where that came from. All you need to do is ask and I'd be more than happy to share. Thanks for coming by my own blog and reading it. I tend to be rather wordy on occasion and for you to get the story about the boss, you obviously had to spend a considerable amount of time there unless, of course, you just got the gist from the most recent tidbits and went with what you had. As for my alarming description of your site, the first time I found it was the day you and about a thousand of your friends hopped onto the evil's of reefer and I was so tickled by what I read, I had to. I'll have to see if I can figure out how to get the old ones to archive so you can go back and read and it will maybe make more sense, but I was so befuddled by the opinions shared that I actually posted every single one of them so others could read and get the same chuckle I did. Perhaps a better idea of what I'm talking about could be found on your blog. Look at the 25th comment about golfing. If you don't hate me after that, I'm a quite approachable person who loves to talk about anything. Until some other time....
Lets go see your seven2seven. My hubby can drive and we can be silly. He loves being my designated driver when I go out with the girls. Wonder why???
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