
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Brief Interlude

...and now, for a brief interlude...

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have had the busiest week in years, and have been unable to blog faithfully every morning. My apologies! Normal programming will resume shortly...

Some Items of Interest:

Local St. Pete police have revised their policy on handcuffing children. If a kid is under the age of 8, a supervisor will need to be called in before they can handcuff the Kid Out of Control (KOOC). This is due to the mess that happened last year (a 5 year old KOOC that had to be taken away in handcuffs).

I visited a client today who brings her dogs to work with her every day. She declared that she had an ex employee that she had to fire recently, but that she wasn't surprised...since the employee never took to her dogs. I suppose that's as good a litmus test as any!

It is scorchingly hot here right now. My drycleaners make a fortune on me. It's in the 90s, and humid, and is positively sweltering. The cicadas outside are making 'warm weather' noise. They get more verbal the hotter it gets. My entire backyard is buzzing with the sound.


Bill R said...

Handcuffs, dogs, and cicadas--well, you never know what you'll find here, Saur!

Fred said...

I know how you feel. We finally had opening day today, and I'm looking forward to resuming a more frequent blogging schedule next week.

Lila said...

I wondered where you were and why you were slacking off! ;-)

TLP said...

I love the sound of cicadas.

Handcuffing kids would be funny...only no, it's NOT.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Tan Lucy, Most of the time I'd agree with you, but there was this specific instance that happened where the majority of people here agreed with the police. You'd have to see the video, but this little 5 year old girl was behaving as I'd never seen a kid behave - ever. Eventually, the only way that they could legally control her was with handcuffs after her mom had been repeatedly called and asked to come to the school to help. It was all caught on video.

Aral, *g*

Fred, I can only imagine. I am SO glad I'm not a teacher. You have my utmost respect. I couldn't do it.

Bill, variety is the spice of life, as my grandmother would say!

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Those dog's faces are so cute!
Working from home allows me to have my dog at work each and every day.

United We Lay said...

I miss you. PLease come back!

Eddo said...

Cute dogs! Ugly Cicadas!

That little girl needed to be SEDATED... Or Tased, that will teach her to throw a tantrum like that.

Gunner said...

My sister was terrified of the empty cicada "husks" that covered our tree. Their empty shell would send her running from me even if she thought I held one.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Are not cicadas those things that go all slippery when crunched on the highway? When crunched, do they make any sound except "crunch"?

Jamie Dawn said...

I've heard those cicadas before. They are sooo loud!

The Lazy Iguana said...

I wish someone would allow me to revise the kid out of control policy. Here is how it would work.

1. The police would tell the kid no more than three times to calm down, then bust out with pepper spray.

2. The PARENTS of the child would be called in to explain what is going on. Any outburst by the parent would be taken as proof that they are at fault for the child's outburst, and they (the parents) would be tazered.

3. Then everyone would get some nice new stainless steel bracelets as a gift from taxpayers.

Even a wild animal understands the concept of pain. If you can train a circus tiger to do tricks, you can train a kid to NOT hit adults. If the ADD kid (who can play video games for hours and hours) can not sit still and pay attention in class, bring in the nuns with the yard sticks.

After the kids see an example of MY new handcuff policy, they will think twice about acting up. And parents will think twice when they decide to pretend they do not know their kid is running around a mall destroying stuff.

I could end all this BS in about 30 seconds. Bad parenting would become a crime. Good parenting would be rewarded, not by the State, but by having children that are well-adjusted to life in society.

Very young kids that decide problems are solved by hitting are bound to end up in jail at some point in time, might as well make that point in time early as possible BEFORE they learn to use a gun.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Lazy Iguana, *lol* I was going to respond earlier, but was sick for a couple days (stress/work/personal/BLEAH). I completely agree. Well, short of tazering them, that is.... Tempting, but not politically correct *g*