
Friday, August 26, 2005

Look What We've Found Part Deux

Well, apparently we have a Mama Possum up in the attic who is the possum equivalent of white trash, because she keeps having babies and abandoning them. If this keeps up, I will have to open up a Possum Rehab Center.

I was shaken awake at 2 AM today by The Other Half. I opened my bleary eyes to find him holding this new addition to The Possum Collection. Apparently he had heard a small sneeze in the utility room (this man has the ears of a cat!) and he had gone and lay in wait for an hour before he found this among the laundry.

My house is under construction, and there is a hole in the roof of the utility room leading up into the attic. Obviously this baby fell through the hole, and landed in the laundry. I don't know if it's a boy or girl, and this one is so young, I don't know if it will survive. I have it nestled in a plastic file box with a towel, some water, and some soft puppy food. It can't be more than a month old. I guess it'll go to the vets tomorrow morning and we'll try to decide what to do with it then.

Meanwhile, Pie is growing in leaps and bounds and is at least twice this one's size now. What should we name this one? Cookie?

I am apparently being gifted with a herd. Or is that a rat pack? I am beginning to wonder if I should mark them all 'Return to Sender.'


United We Lay said...

Good luck wih your brood. I've never actually seen a possum up close!

Gunner said...

A small pie is called a Pot Pie. So name it pot or pot pie.

Missing your comments.

Lila said...

Poor little baby! yeah, guess you'll have to fix that hole. Is Pie being nice to the baby?

Saur♥Kraut said...

Aral, I think it's a 'he', upon closer inspection. I haven't introduced 'him' to Pie yet because Pie is 4x his size at this point (she has gone through a huge growth spurt) and I'm afraid she may still be too wild to trust completely.

Gunner, I miss your blog, too! I'm sorry I haven't been able to check in . I'm lucky I can do my own right now, but I promise I will this weekend! I always enjoy your comments.

Polanco, I never had either~! The tiny one bit me lightly last night, and he has very sharp teeth! I am hoping I never tick off Pie enough to find out how she bites!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Twice as big? Rename Pie as "Lard," and name the new one "Pie."

michelle said...


Saur♥Kraut said...

Michelle and I discussed names but I have no earthly idea. If we call him Pot Pie, it will get shortened to "Pot" and that will lead to jokes about illegal drugs, etc. I can see it now: "What's the other one named? Coke???" So, we're still pondering it.

Oldhorsetailsnake, but that's not nearly as cute and cuddly as this baby is. He is a love, and just wants to be cuddled all the time. I suggested 'Peanut' or 'Chip' but that didn't go over well. If it was entirely up to me, I'd name him something Shakespearean, no matter how pretentious it is to give a Shakespearean name to an opossum...

michelle said...

Hey I had a two dogs once. Julius Ceaser and Cleopatra. Why not a Shakesperean name?

michelle said...

Shakespearean names...

1. Dogberry from Muche Ado About Nothing.
2. Elbow from Measure for Measure
3. Moth from Loves's Laboour's Lost

Just kidding!

michelle said...

How about Pumpkin?

Fred said...

Look at how big that head is!

Underground Logician said...


Saur♥Kraut said...

Michelle, *LOL* The Shakespearean names are a great contribution. It looks like we settled on 'Peanut' though...

Cotey, I was rooting for Cajun or Creole but it looks like Peanut stuck.

TC, actually I liked Meringue too, but it left too many people looking cross-eyed at me.

Michelle, I also loved Pumpkin! But it was pointed out to me that he isn't a pumpkin color (he isn't a peanut color either, though!)

Fred, yup, he's going to be a big 'un

Underground, *LOL*

michelle said...

I like peanut too. Of course if he gets to be as big as Pie you may need to change his name to Walnut or something? KIDDING!

Saur♥Kraut said...

Michelle, *LOL*

Some Random Girl said...

awwwww, I was just thinking about Pie the other day....too bad you can't ship this one to me. I'd love her and squeeze her and she'd be my friend! ;)

Saur♥Kraut said...

Jules, *G* That's like that one Loony Tunes cartoon with the Abominable Snowman! Yeah, the new one is adorable and even more well-tempered than Pie is!!!