
Thursday, October 27, 2005

Tidbits: Can You Believe This?


WalMart, a company that keeps getting sued by it's employees for various types of discrimination, is ripe for another lawsuit.

An internal memo sent to the company's board of directors has surfaced that outlines a plan to get rid of aging and unhealthy employees in order to keep their healthcare costs down!

And you thought Mr. Smiley was just a nice guy, trying to get you the best prices possible. Incidentally, WalMart is the same company that is continually accused of going into a marketplace, driving the small businesses out by undercutting their prices, and then once the Mom & Pop businesses are gone, they raise their prices again.

I don't shop there. Do you? You might want to think about it.

Janet Jackson Issues Denial

Janet says she doesn't have this 18 year old kid running around. Where are the reporters? It's easy enough to tell! Does her sister have a daughter named Renee who's 18 and sings like a bird? I mean, there must be some record of her, unless she was raised in an ivory tower. Instead, they're busy printing denials. Are reporters only pretty mouthpieces?

Newspaper Asks: Was Florida Ready?

Of course it was ready! Well, it was as ready as Florida could get. I mean, c'mon here! If someone wasn't prepared by now then they deserved to get blown away. Sorry! We can't wring our hands over people that choose to stand in the middle of a highway in front of a Mac truck!

P.S. After I wrote this I got a call from a good client of mine in Miami, who didn't get a generator, and is now without power. She has two 9 year old twin girls and they are miserable. So, despite all my tough talk, I'll probably be driving that generator down to her this weekend. :P I'm a sucker for a hard-luck story.

Pop N' Lock

To put a smile on your face, go to my friend Eddo's blog and click on the link to see an incredibly fun music video.


michelle said...

I shop Target.

Not sure what to think about the baby. Not a big fan of the Jackson family, never have been.

Yes we were prepared. Can't drive through the state of Florida any faster than the cars will drive. No matter what it is going to take a little bit of time to get supplies to people. That is why we are told to be prepared for at least 3 days ourselves! Food, flashlights, blankets, soap, toilet paper, water....any of this ring a bell?

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Wal-Mart has always been 'evil' but only because it pushes the corporate doctrine so far.

We made this world, we bought into it, we pay the price.

Anonymous said...

Here's my question: Why are people getting in line to get stuff as soon as the sky clears? I understand if your roof blew off, walls came down, or your house is actually under water. But if you still have some kind of structure to shelter in, shouldn't you have enough stuff to camp for a few days? There are actually people complaining that water isn't being brought in fast enough. This storm sat out there for days and days, we all had time to fill bottles with water and set some flashlights and batteries aside, didn't we?

If individuals don't prepare, they inhibit emergency efforts to the areas with greatest need - and the support structures that need to be up and running first (hospitals, fire stations). What is wrong with people? Do we all want to rely on the government to take care of us - for everything?! Are people really that needy?

Maybe I'm missing something.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Always Questioning, yup, we've become an 'entitlement society'. You hit the nail on the head.

Daniel, well yes. There have been laws put in place to discourage such behaviors, but unless there's a gov't. in place that takes it seriously, nothing will happen. You see, right now it's gov't. vs. the people. With some Democrats though, it's too MUCH gov't. for the people. We need to hit a happy medium. No free handouts for ANYone: business or personal.

Michelle, you sure were prepared! When we were on the phone and you told me you had your storm shutters up, I felt positively guilty! We almost did it, but were lazy and waited for the last moment (we were prepared with supplies, etc. though). You know, I have enough bottled water to fill a swimming pool!

Eddo said...

Wal-Hell - I only go when it is absolutely necessary. I have heard numerous horror stories about walmart, a minor one is that they make their suppliers give them the product on consignment and then they have 5 months to pay their suppliers after the stuff sells. I don't know how true that is, but it seems likely. They have become such giants that they can afford to push people around.

Thanks for the shout out!

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

This is about more than Democrat or Republican its all about money and business.

As individuals our constant 'buy-in' to this process leads us down the road hand in hand with the devil.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Daniel, agreed.

Eddo, *g* Yeah, you heard right. That IS what Walhell does.

The Lazy Iguana said...

1. I do not shop at Wal-Mart. Pweiod. If I have to either shop at Wal-Mart or not eat dinner that night, then I skip dinner. And yes, I have done that before. I was in Live Oak Floirda, and drove clear to Georgia (about 40 or so miles up the road) to avoid Wal-Mart.

2. Who gives a squirt of rat pee-pee about Janet Jackson. If she does have a kid, it proves she is not really Michael in drag. Reporters should not waste their time on this "story". It is news like my last bowel movement is news.

3. Wilma hit as a category three storm, which qualifies it as "major". People can only be so ready. More on this on my blog.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Lazy Iguana, excellent point about Wilma being majoy. I changed that. However, my point still remains: if the people there didn't make preparations for a hurricane, knowing full well that it was coming for days, how can they expect us to feel badly for them now? For instance, my client should have purchased a generator already. She had the money and means prior to the storm. I only feel badly for her because I am a sucker. She really should be kicking herself in the fanny (which she is).

As for Janet Jackson, sadly many people do care about her. And that's my point exactly. She's a bad example.

Good for you about avoiding WalMart. I'll never shop there again. I have darted in there for emergencies, but like you I will never do it again. No matter what it costs me.

Saur♥Kraut said...

er, that's major, not majoy. Ah well...

The Shy Peddler said...

Wal-Mart is a well run company. They have my business until someone gives me a better deal. For all of you who whine about them...... put on your big girl panties and grow up!

Fizzy said...

We don't have Wal mart as such here although they own one of the largest supermarket chains here .. that I shop at. mmmm may have to think about this

THe whole jacko family is ....well confused.

I am sorry about the hurricane

and I got kicked out for have too much fun and not doing enough work... hehehe. (to be honest I was on the wrong course)But I did have a load of fun too

Anonymous said...

I can't watch the news anymore. Where do the reporters find these nitwits? What level of intellegence does it take to understand that you may become inconvenienced by a hurricane? You know, so sorry, but if you had been prepared your life would be better now. On the news this am . . . a woman leading a group of dimwits shouting "we want gas, we want gas!" You are suppose to fill up BEFORE THE STORM! The next chant we will be hearing from these fine citizens is "we want a debit card!" The last straw was another woman screaming that Jeb and George screwed it up again! I give up!

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

I saw that Janet Jackson piece.
The bottom line: who really cares?

OldHorsetailSnake said...

You say sucker. I say you're peaches.

Lila said...

Yeah, WalMart is evil. Geez, that's incredible that they had a memo like that. Sick.

I dunno about the Jackson baby thing. Very bizarre if true.

TLP said...

WalMart is creepy. I don't shop there because I don't like the stores. Have you heard of the WalMart Watch? We're showing a film about it on November 13 at my church. Don't know much about it, but it's a nationwide thing with a lot of different groups showing this film.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Shy Peddler, If big girl panties look like those panties my ex-mother-in-law used to wear, I'll pass. Hope thongs are OK! WalMart still sux.

Fizzy, ;o) That's what I guessed. Too much fun, not enough time. Great blog!

Kathleen, oh yeah! And Michelle has heard some horror stories from ungrateful 'survivors' that would make you furious.

Barbara, I care, because a lot of people do and she's a 'role model', god help us all, to some people. :P

Old Hoss, *kiss*

AP3, yeah. That was just a very unwise idea, because any employees that are let go now will have a good shot at suing for discrimination if they're at all ill or elderly.

Saur♥Kraut said...

TLP, No! What's WalMart Watch about? Where can we go to get the info?

Saur♥Kraut said... note to anyone who actually knows my ex-mother-in-law: she's come up a bit lately. But she's actually a very nice person. We just don't share the same taste in underwear or men.

Saur♥Kraut said...

...for which we both are probably grateful...

Three Score and Ten or more said...

A few items: I totally agree on your comments on preparedness. Even without constant hurricanes I have learned to have three days supplies on hand. (of course if the storm surge comes the supplies aren't worth much.) It would be interesting, but not important to know the truth about the Jackson child..
As for Wal-Mart, my wife will hardly go in because it is so crowded twenty four/seven. I'm not fond of it, but I have seen what they do in emergencies (like hurricanes) and at that time they are an incredible community asset. Wal-Mart watch is everywhere. Google will bring up a number of sites. I have heard their talking heads on all three of the cable news systems. I hadn't heard they were going to churches, that bothers me a little. As for the consignment thing, that story belong with snopes. Wal-Mart is tough on their suppliers in many ways, but they are famous for demanding on time shipping and paying their bills on time.