
Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Grand Prix

The Grand Prix is coming to St. Petersburg this weekend (beginning Friday) and I will be there as a member of the press (my company is not only in sales, but also marketing and PR). A press pass is valued at $3000 a piece, and we have 4. We didn't know we'd be accepted until the last minute.

This is a rare privilege. I just spoke to a famous owner and editor of a major magazine in the area, and he told me that he was not offered press passes this year even though they did a glowing write-up on the Grand Prix last year. He is understandably offended, although the slight may have been unintentional. "I guess I'll just join the ranks of the people who complain that the Grand Prix contributes nothing but noise and chaos to the area," he told me.

My best friend Ozma is one of the people going with me. I called her yesterday when I found out that we had them for sure (I wasn't going to tell her we were trying for them, because it was a long shot). "I don't care what you're doing on Saturday," I said, "but whatever it is, cancel it. We're going to the Grand Prix." She didn't get it at first and still made plans to work on Saturday, assuming we'd only be going for some function or other that night. When it finally sunk in, she cancelled everything.

I'll be making the most of the weekend by being there, getting interviews and looking for stories of interest. My cameraman
is determined to wangle as many autographs as he can and has taken a bet that he will be on TV on Sunday. He's a showboat, so it's very likely.

But there's a problem, and I blush to admit it. I know nothing about cars, or the Grand Prix. I have a lot of research to do between now and Saturday. So forgive me for not popping into your blogs for the next four days. But I will honestly be thinking of you and will probably have some great stories for you, starting Monday.

P.S. I will be writing in FTS's blog tomorrow (Friday), so please look for me there.


High Power Rocketry said...

4 press passes! Yikes!

Lets hope there are no horrible accidents like on sunday.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Mindless, *LOL* Me (journalist), cameraman, Ozma (PR), and cameraman's assistant. We'll have to smuggle the two kids in, somehow.

Alex, I know!

mal said...

have a good time! I always wanted to drive one of those......mmmmmmm I am thinking I now know why the OH never let me buy anything with horsepower

Anonymous said...

Good catch! Take your ear plugs and have fun!

Saur♥Kraut said...

Kathleen, oh yeah! Earplugs! I was told it's very noisy. It does make me wonder how I can write up anything when I can't hear what anyone says...? I guess I'll see when I get there.

Mallory, *I* always thought it would be fun, too!

Reverberate58, Yeah. The idea is to have fun and look for stories. I hope nothing tragic, I need to add.

Some Random Girl said...

how exciting. I hope there's no accidents.....

I hope you kids enjoy it! take lots of pictures!

Deb said...

Hey girl! Have fun and take lots of pictures! I LOVE this kind of stuff!

mikster said...

Have a great time!

Heather said...

Hope you have a blast!!

Lucy Stern said...

Better get to your studying so you will know what kind of questions to ask...Good luck and have a good time.

Ellen said...

pictures.... plenty of pictures.... and have a great time!

Julia Reffner said...

congratulations on scoring tickets. Sounds like a blast. I hope you get to see everything you could possibly hope to see there.

The Lumpy

Jamie Dawn said...

It sounds exciting, Saur. Take pics and delight us with some cool details. I'm a total novice when it comes to cars and racing, but I'm sure it will be a great experience for you to be there. Have fun!!

Suzy-Q said...

i work in an office full of nascar enthusiasts. i don't get it.....

sounds like you are going to have a good time though!

Nihilistic said...

I'm not into it myself...My sister is though! But I don't get that either...

Lee Ann said...

Wow, this looks like it will be a great time. Will you need some ear plugs?

Have fun!