
Monday, March 13, 2006

Mutt Strut at Honeymoon Island

Saturday I laced up my tennies, threw BoBo and BugEyes in the car, and drove to Honeymoon Island for the 14th Annual Mutt Strut. For $25, you got access to all the vendors and the other dogs, as well as a fun goodie bag which contained t-r-e-a-t-s (shh, you've gotta spell that word around dogs) as well as other nice things.

Saturday was a perfect day. The wind was nice and cool, the weather warm, and everything looked lovely (even the palmettos!)

My dogs, normally confident and easy-going, were transformed into cowering little white mice when confronted with most of the dogs there (which were at least twice their size).

Just as they were adjusting to an area full of dogs, and all the exciting and interesting dog smells, I had them at the check-in to get them chipped. This is a little implant that, when an animal is scanned, has all the info needed to get them back home. They inject it with a syringe and it only takes seconds.

BoBo took it in pace, with no worries (although for some reason he bled quite a bit at the injection site). But BugEyes, true to her prima donna persona, yelped as if her foot was being sawn off. The people handling her looked panicked at me, and started apologizing profusely. I waived it away. "Don't worry about it," I said. "She's just showing off." BugEyes looked a little crestfallen then, but perked up once we started exploring.

Advertising, doggy-style:

Show Off! (And he's not afraid to "let it all hang out")

BoBo & BugEyes Make Friends (notice the spiffy jackets)

The Prima Donna

No camera can capture how BLUE this is...


Some Random Girl said...

I would not want to hang with that many dogs. Though, I have a dog. I also would not want to hang with that many kids.....and I have those too. You are obviously a special person.

I like small gatherings....big ones freak me out. that many slobbering mouths. nope. count me out. (I was attacked by a dog when I was a kid so that's probably the main reason)

hmmm...maybe I'll blog about that today. thanks for the idea.

Deb said...

I sometimes have to spell out 'martini' in front of my girlfriend. (hehe)

Anyway, that one picture of your pup in the Irish get up, ...OMG! Priceless! I loved it.

This looks like such fun!

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...


That place looks like paradise!

Love the doggie dressed in the St. Patrick's Day garb.

Now, I miss my beloved Astro more than ever.

Sounds like you had an amazing time.

The Lazy Iguana said...

My cats would have just loved this event.

There is a little dog that lives here with the cats. They all pretty much get along. Unless the dog has a chew toy.

What a neat park! Things like this keep me from just packing up and getting the heck out of Florida.

Ellen said...

Gotta love those white sandy beaches of the Gulf. Makes me realize I need a vacation more than ever now!

Glad to hear you had a wonderful day with the dogs... especially after the drama you've been having these last couple of weeks. Just what the doctor ordered.

Anonymous said...

I love this time of year in Florida. Honeymoon Island is so neat, but really gone to the dogs! LOL

Saur♥Kraut said...

Mr. Fabulous, you'd love it. And yes, I'm betting it may be the last perfect weekend we'll see till the fall.

Kathleen, :D

Ellen, it really WAS very nice to get out and see other dogs and people but not be forced to interact with them.

Lazy Iguana, you should come up this way sometimes! I really would like to go down in your direction for at least a weekend. It's been years since I've been there. As you say, that's what keeps FL interesting! I really want to see the Coral Castle. You've written it up, and I enjoyed learning a little more about it from you.

Barbara, I hope it wasn't uncomfy for you. I just couldn't resist snapping the St. Patty's Day dog! It was such a perfect day, and you've never seen so many dogs all together!

Deb, m-a-r-t-i-n-i~! Love it!!! ;o)

Some Random Girl, I think I recall you mentioning something like that before. I was chased by a couple big dogs (repeatedly) when I was a kid, and had a hard time getting to like bigger dogs. I'm OK with them for the most part now, but I have a healthy respect for their jaws...

Jenn said...

Honeymoon Island sounds like fun! So, is that close to Christmas Island ...under a great big coconut tree

oh the beach!! I love the water very warm??

Dave said...


I helped bring in all those rocks to Honeymoon Island.

That Fred Fisher dog reminds me of how close I came to the good life. His daughter was working at Mellons on 60, when I found out who she was I asked her to marry me. Unfortunately she said no but I still left her a big tip.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Emmersjennybee, the water is finally getting warm, and it was gorgeous that day! Catamarans and boats were out, people were sunning... it was glorious.

Mr. Gator, ;o)

Jamie Dawn said...

Well, that sounds like a fun day.
I'm sure your doggies enjoyed all the socializing once they got used to being there.
Cute jackets!
Are they by Isaac Mizrahi, by chance?
(ha, ha)

High Power Rocketry said...

That looks really fun :)

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Are those your pretty poodles? Cute.

(P.S. I have no idea where it says that in the Bible, so it probably doesn't. I get away with murder.)

Jessica said...

Good excuse to go to a place as blue and beautifully-named as Honeymoon Island.

Whistle Britches said...

Well I was saving my pennies to get lasik surgery but now i'm saving them so I can move there.

Three Score and Ten or more said...

All I could think was that it was not a place wherein one should go barefoot.