
Friday, November 25, 2005

Kitten's Wedding

The bride was beautiful, the groom was beaming, and as she began her portion of the vows she choked up with emotion. The moms cried, the dads slapped each other on the back, and as the bride and groom were presented as man and wife, everyone clapped and cheered.

The reception was full of fun, tons of food and laughter, and dancing. If you've never been to a latino wedding, do your best to wrangle an invitation somehow. The dancing would make any Hollywood dance movie look like a third-rate production.

Everyone could dance beautifully, and it was wonderful to see all three generations on the dance floor. No coreographer could do it justice.

I tried to dance a tiny bit, but when you've just had your neck fused, it's rather awkward to say the least. ;o) Happily, my scar is now almost unnoticeable but it probably left a lot of people wondering why Ozma's best friend looked so stiff (Ozma is Kitten's mother).

To top it all off, Kitten's best friend (Shoop) sang a horrible country song ("I'm an Indian Outlaw") and sounded just as ghastly as the original country singer that sang it. How do I know? He sang along with the actual music, egged on by the DJ and the crowd. Most of us never listen to country music, so I really wasn't up on it but it was completely hysterical. They say he's even funnier when he's drunk, but thankfully we didn't have to see that.

It was the most unusual and yet the most wonderful Thanksgiving I've ever had. I will never forget it.