
Sunday, November 20, 2005

People Who Misuse God

Here's an interesting thought for you on a Sunday (i.e. Church Day): No one has ever been completely certain what is meant in the scriptures when God says "Thou shalt not use the name of your God in vain."

Does that mean using his name in a swear? Does that mean inappropriately using his name? Does it mean his formal name or his nickname (God)?

I have always believed that it was inappropriately using his true name(s), and there has to be malicious intent as well. But, I could be wrong. Again, theologians remain in continual conflict about this.

Some people (and religions) put an additional hedge around God's nickname so that they don't even come close to crossing the line. They'll spell it G-d or point upwards and say something like "You know, The Big Guy." But then these additional euphemisms come to represent God as well, and we're back where we started.

One thing I was recently pondering was how inappropriate people are when they credit God for surviving or winning something at the expense of others.

For instance, I think of the aftermath from 9/11 and how the survivors were telling everyone within listening range that "God was with them" as the victims' relatives combed hopelessly through the rubble for just a token of their loved ones. So, if God was with you he wanted the others to die? Is that what you're saying? He wasn't with them? If I had been within shouting distance, and had heard such a moronic assertion, there is no one that could have held me back from whupping them then and there.

Or what about the morons who get a touchdown and thank God for it. What, God hates the other team? Or is it that you just have such a better relationship with God that you and God are homies?

I know that the average American is rock-solid stupid. And I know that only roughly 2% of the population has a genius IQ. But doesn't anyone think anymore? People do so much harm with their mouths. They harm others, and they also harm the image of God - even if it's inadvertently.

There's your Sunday Sermon. Now go out and enjoy the last bit of sunshine.


BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Very interesting, and provocative indeed.

Religious Jews, do not spell out the name of G-d completely, and you will see it like this. Among the most pious, He is referred to as HaShem. Whether that is would qualify as taking the name of God in vain, I stand ignorrant. But you have raised an interesting question.

Thank you for all your kind words these days on my blog, which are much appreciated.

michelle said...

I like what yopu have to say. Food for thought!

Anonymous said...

I believe what is meant by the statement is using Gods name to stand in your defense. Hiding behind it as if every bad choice you make can be glorified by God because you are a Christian. Using his name to defend your hatred of another race or sexual orientation. I believe that those who spew bible passages in defense of their own opinions use Gods name in vain. I bleieve he is a loving and caring God, one who loves every single person he created, whether good or evil. A good friend of mine (FTS) once told me it is possible to love the sinner but hate the sin. Some Christians use Gods name in vain to justify hating the sinner as well as the sin. I believe that is way more harmful than using his name in conjunction with dammit...but thats just my opinion.

Saur♥Kraut said...

TSB, an interesting interpretation, and one that has some merit (I believe!)

FTS, I's probably always best to err on the side of caution.

Michelle, thanks, hon! Hope you're having a beautiful day over there. You're only a couple miles away, so you're probably really enjoying the weather right now.

Barbara, thanks! Glad you liked it (I thought you would). I leave those posts because I genuinely care about you and yours. I hope and pray for the best for you and your daughter.

Fred said...

Wonderful sermon. So, I really did go to church today. Whew!

TLP said...

I went to church as usual, so I got two sermons today. That's okay.

I think that there are many ways to misuse the name of "God." Although I don't believe in a literal god, I never say GD. Never.

It truly is silly, JUST SILLY, to pray for a particular outcome to a game. If you believe in God, surely you believe He has better things to do than watch out for who wins a game of football.

Dave said...

Hmm, 6 billion people on the planet and only 120 million are geniuses. Obviously Intelligent Design doesn’t equate to intelligent race.

I am very much against profanity unless I’m deep in the trenches of a home repair project.

United We Lay said...

Excellent post!

Jamie Dawn said...

You are right. My hubby and I have discussed this very thing many times.

Lila said...

Nice post. I agree that the point is not to use the name of God in a hateful way, or to insult God.

And it is awkward to thank God for helping you -- why you and not someone else? Rabbi Kushner writes nicely about this in "When Bad things Happen to Good People".

United We Lay said...

I worked with a teacher who wouldn't read "My Brother Sam is Dead with her students because it has "God Damn" in it several times.

Julie said...

Wonderful post. I agree with you completely. And while we're on the subject, how about the morons who "pray" to God that if He would only give them such-and-such they will never [fill in the sin] again? Arrrgh!

Whistle Britches said...

To say that "No one has ever been completely certain....etc." is probably an overstatement. Moses knew what it meant and probably tried many, many, many times to explain it to the Israelites. I'm almost sure they failed many, many, many, times just like we do. I can't even get past the 1st Commandment. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" I think we all know what that means. If I can't get the first one right then I really can't get any of them right. Okay here here goes. I'm going to bring up something that will surely get me into trouble. Nobody here has mentioned Jesus and why he came. Why did He come and just who is He?

Janet said...

I wrote a post (kinda sorta ) about this awhile back...

Three Score and Ten or more said...

I would hate to have you required to pass judgement on me. I'm afraid that being grateful to God for His mercy in a particular situation does not imply that he was angry with others who suffered more or who might not have sensed his mercy. I confess that I have es=xperienced what I felt were miracles and I was grateful and gave thanks, not that he gave it
just to me but that he sent his mercy at all, and there was never a sense that he favored me over someone else. I don't know the mind and purposes of God and don't think anyone else really does either. (I do agree with you about football games, though I confess to the occasional under the breath prayer for a batter to Hit it, or Miss it, depending on the batter). By the way, relating to a comment you gave (and for which I am grateful) I don't know where you got the idea (though I suspect some Mormons believe it) that Mormons are discouraged from learning about other churches. The only time I felt that was when Monsignor Cody called my house to ask why I was late for an appointment, and my mother found out suddenly that I was taking (without her knowledge) instruction in the Catholic Church.
Discouraged was a soft term for what she discussed with me. But anybody who sends missionaries all over the world has to accept that they are going to experience a lot of outside religious experiences (In spite of the acknowleged proof texting in some of what used to me the missionary training.)
By the way I have concluded that it will be a miracle if I get by the word verification. I am on my fifth try.

The Lazy Iguana said...

I say GD, but I see it as no worse than when some TV preacher idiot (like for exmple Pat Robertson) says things like God hates gays or that people who do not agree with intelligent design should exepect natural disasters to happen to them.

I think that using the lords name in vein means trying to be God's personal spokesman here on Earth. You know, talking like you speak to the lord daily on a confrence call, and play golf with the lord every Saturday.

Saying GD because you stepped in cold, slimy, nasty cat-horked-up-hairball at 3 AM is not taking ANY name in vein, it is just an expression that your morning is not going so well.

Steph Youstra said...

I really like TSB's thinking ... I never thought of it like that. Personally, I wonder what the difference is between saying GD and Gosh Darn It, when the intent is the same (or Fudge instead of its alternative, etc.). If the intent to curse someone or something is there, do the words used override the desire to curse?

On a semi-related note -- a friend and I would always joke that "We're goin' to hell" whenever we'd end up talking badly about someone; it became kind of our catch-phrase for "I'm not gonna say anything bad, but at least know that I'm thinking negatively of this person right now." Another friend of mine responded once to the "We're going to hell" with "No, because my God is a merciful God." Which then cracked us up, as we began to discuss how my God can beat up your God with one hand tied behind his back. Fun entertainment; unfortunately, too many people truly think this way.

Ted said...

When Moses asked God "who should I say is sending me?" God said "Say I am sent you."
If he wanted to be called God he would have said tell them God sent you. Maybe they used God's nickname the same way we do today though and he would have been taken as an idiot. Saying Gd damn is not taking the Lord's name in vain. It is in poor taste to be sure but i think you are on to something.

United We Lay said...

I say God Damn, but I don't believe in God, so for me it's just an expression, kind of like Holy s**t.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Polanco, it's funny how many atheists and agnostics say "God Damn" but don't believe in God. I always see that as ironic, and rather funny. I have a friend that says it, and I always crossly say "How about Buddha Damn for a change?" It has yet to take! ;o)

Ted, interesting point. However, theologians think that the term "I Am" is more than simply saying "God". It stands for the ultimate, the creator of all, the chief "I" among us all.

Steph, It has also been arguing that saying "God Damn" or "God Damn It" is a way of cursing a particular person or thing, and it's asking for judgement to come upon them... but it's not using God's name in vain. Oh yes, there are many people that are very quick to condemn, BTW. Are they right or wrong? I feel they're wrong, but then *I* could be wrong.

Lazy Iguana, oh yes, in the Bible it even says that you must be very careful about speaking for God. Very careful, indeed. I wouldn't want to take that chance, unless it was solidly backed by scripture and I was 100% sure.

3 Score & 10, well, I've had many friends and acquaintance that were Mormon and they all said how the Mormon church was highly opposed to their followers hearing about other faiths. It's not exclusive to Mormonism of course...the Jehovah's Witnesses were the same. Things have changed over the years, and both faiths are now more open from what I understand. But if you grew up in a more open environment, than I would have to say (from what I hear) that your experience was the exception.

I would never be given the chance to pass judgement on anyone (nor would I want to) and I would never encourage others to pass judgement unless it was backed 100% by Scripture, cut and dried. I should also add that there is plenty to judge about me.

And I'm not saying we shouldn't thank him. But we also need to be very careful HOW we thank him, and we shouldn't gloat about it.

Janet, thanks! I'll check it out!

Uncle Joe, granted, Moses knew. But I'm speaking of theologians. Unfortunately, Moses wasn't too clear on the definition.

Julie, ahhh yes. Bartering with God. Not too succesfull, in my experience. I did it when I was a kid, and my parents warned me that I would also have to live up to MY end of the bargain, which left me pretty cold. I mean, how can we guarantee we will always uphold our end? Too dangerous.

Polanco, yes, there are always narrow-minded people. I suppose that if their conscience is genuinely pricked by such things, it would be wise for them to avoid them. But I also feel that it's something that they should truly mull over. Can I skip that part and still be enriched by the book as a whole? Or will it truly taint both my thoughts and my soul? I know that *I* would still read the book.

Aral, yes, that's an excellent book.

Jamie Dawn, you both are very intelligent people, so it's nice to know that we're in agreement! ;o) Tell hubby to get more up on his blog!

Mr. Gator, *LOL* on the first post. The second was deleted. If you ever want to discuss evolution though, I'm happy to. I think you'll be surprised at where everyone fits in the evolutionary chain.

TLP, I like sermons to be short and fast. And I hate singing most hymns, so this is a 'cut-to-the-chase' sermon. ;o)

Fred, HAH! Forced churching.

Acton Bell, glad you liked it!

Whistle Britches said...

I forgot to add that I do agree with you on the God/sports statement. My team lost Saturday and the winning quarterback said on nation tv. "What can I say? God takes care of His people". What an ignorant thing to say, inferring that God's people on the losing team weren't God's people. What about God's people that are killed and martyred on a daily basis? Just a sign of immaturity I guess.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Uncle Joe, I agree. Sadly, there are many people that encourage this by not saying what you've just said here. Ah well, if ignorance of the law is no excuse, what about ignorance of God's law?

Tyson said...

interesting post, saur. when you can't think of anything else to blog, please indulge me and pass on more of your ideas on God and such.

personally, i think the "shall not take my name in vain" thing is about respecting Him. it's about principle. sort of why you dress up for a wedding ... it's certainly not required, but it shows outwardly what you are thinking/feeling.

Saur♥Kraut said...

TS Thank you very much.

Danny Sims said...

If you have a minute, let me know what you think of my four posts on God. You can see the last of the four at