
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Dangerous Encroachment Upon Our Liberties

Bear with me. I know it's large, but in easy-to-swallow bite-sized chunks. Mmmm!

No one has ever called me a liberal when it comes to politics. I am a classic conservative; a Reagan Republican. Since the early 1990s, a new breed of politician has emerged: The NeoCon. The NeoCons are Conservatives of Convenience only. President George Bush is a NeoCon.

NeoCons have no set of beliefs or standards that I can discover. The Republicans used to despise Bill Clinton for saying one thing while doing another. Sadly, the NeoCons have this perfected. They are the puppeteers: a sock puppet on one hand, distracting us; while the other hand is feeling us up for our wallet.

NeoCons happily stand before the blue collar worker and tell him, "Hey! We're one of you! We believe in God, Mom, and The American Worker!" Then they hop on a jet and are at a white collar meeting hours later, where they say "Hey! We're one of you! We believe in Making Money, Cheap Labor, and Big Business!" The blue collars aren't educated enough to catch on to this, and the white collars don't care.

I am so deeply saddened. At one time the Republican party actually stood for something. Whether you respect my views or not, they are consistent and well thought-out. But this crop of NeoCons is the most scattered, unethical group of politicos I've ever seen.

I am so tired of hearing people dismiss Christianity because that is the particular card that President Bush plays. He is no more Christian than a buddhist is. Christianity is one of his sock puppets. A true Christian lives by his faith. I don't care how many times he's seen going into church, or how many pious prayers he prays; his actions speak louder than his words.

I've heard some Christians ask me how I can dare question Bush's Christianity. How can they dare to believe it unquestioningly? (Read my post about faux Christians if you'd like more information.)

It says in the Bible that a Christian respects the laws of the land. And I think the obvious corollary to that is that a Christian legally changes the laws of the land if he disagrees with them (if that's at all possible). Granted the American Revolutionaries didn't respect British law, but you will have to agree that it was a massive group of people who asked for their freedom, and very nicely at first, may I add. People often forget that. But technically even the Revolutionaries weren't right, just lucky.

In Bush's case, it is one man who has decided to ignore the law at his convenience. OK, I'll grant you that there are other NeoCons in Congress that aid and abet him (and they should be held accountable as well) but Bush has spear-headed this.

Bush has looked the other way on illegal aliens (until pressed repeatedly to stop it) because businesses make great profits when they can pay illegals even less than minimum wage, and don't have to pay for any taxes or benefits. Instead, the American worker (who may have already lost a job overseas or to an illegal alien) is paying the higher cost in taxes to cover the illegals who haven't paid a dime into the system but have their hands out for welfare, education, and medical benefits. The blue collar worker is losing money due to Bush's encouragement of illegal aliens!

The ethical business owner is also losing money. I own two businesses, with all the employees legally employed. So I am paying not only their wages, but roughly an additional 20% in taxes on top of that. How can I be competitive with someone who is paying their employees under the table?

But even more serious is the dangerous encroachment upon our liberties.

I hear so many people say scornfully, "Oh The Patriot Act is no big deal. I'm willing to sacrifice something to be safe" or "*I* have nothing to hide! Who cares if they're eavesdropping on my telephone and email conversations?"

It isn't a question of what you have to hide, or what sacrifices you are willing to make. Instead, it is a question of what we, as a nation, are willing to pass down to our children and future governments which we know nothing about. That's what the Founding Fathers worried so much about, and that's why they crafted a Constitution which is now being violated repeatedly. They didn't want to leave any loopholes that would allow a despotic government to arise.

As I wrote in another blog recently, we're opening the door to surveillance for no reason whatsoever. What if the next government (or even a government 10-20 years down the line) is a purely fascist government and decides that a particular group is a threat (even if they're not)?

What if the Nazis, or a similar group, rise again? And what if they have the ability to tap and snoop about in anyone's lives (due to the precedents we're setting right now) using our modern technology and laws against us? And what if they took an unreasoning hatred, once again, toward gays? Or Jews? Or blacks? Or whites (who will be a minority by 2008)?

If you think it can't happen, think again. Historians and scholars know that history is always due to repeat itself if we don't prepare and watch for it. Sadly, mankind doesn't change as much as we'd like. If you don't believe me, listen to the neighbors and friends of the serial killers who always say "Boy howdy, am *I* surprised!" The mask we present to the world is often not representative of what is really inside. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.

My father is a scholar who has always been fascinated by WW2 history. When I was a little girl, I once asked him why most of the gays and Jews stuck around in Germany for as long as they did. It seemed to me that they were just cattle waiting for the slaughter! "Because they never thought it could happen to them," answered my father. And it happened so frighteningly quickly.

The WW2 generation is gone now. We cannot let the lessons learned leave with them.

The NeoCons may have good motives now (or they may say that they do) but most of the old-line conservatives are truly troubled over this. A violation of constitutional rights is not justifiable for any means. I'll give some examples which trouble me tomorrow.


Kristie said...

Good Post. I am not a conservative Repblican like yourself...I want to say that it is QUITE refreshing to see someone who calls themself that challenge Bush and the neoCons. And use the same arguments I would use. I run into walls on this topic all the time. People just dont seem to be paying attention. Again, Good post!

Whistle Britches said...

Thanks for giving me some stuff to chew on. I await tomorrow's post with great anticipation....

Michael K. Althouse said...

Wow! You said a LOT. I am a little worried about the current state of affairs to say the least. Although I firmly believe that this country and our constitution is stronger than any group of individuals or party, I also believe that it is patient. And our herritage or any document can't act on it's own.

Nothing will happen until the number of people outraged reaches critical mass. I think that's where we come in. Those of us that can make convincing arguments based on sound reasoning, not hyperbole; fact, not fiction. I don't think Bush and the rest of the neocons are dumb at all. I think they DO know the truth from a hole in the ground. And they absolutely know when they're lying.

You raised several excellent points and I don't have time to discuss them all now, but I do want to throw one more lttle item into the mix. What does the current status quo in the body politic say to our children? Do what you can to get over until you get caught and when you do - deny... deny... deny! Something's gotta give.


Deb said...

Interesting. I read your post “Faux Christians”. It’s amazing how you put a bunch of people into a category and just labeled them. I’m impressed by your articulate way of separating one Christian from another. Everyone has their own way of worshipping God—so who are we to judge how they do it? Let’s just live in peace with everyone and start accepting more. If I focused so hard on how other Christians lived—I’d be taking away from my own time with God. Just my opinion—-that’s all.

You stated, “I am so tired of hearing people dismiss Christianity because that is the particular card that President Bush plays. He is no more Christian than a Buddhist is. Christianity is one of his sock puppets.”

I think being the president has to be one of the most challenging jobs. Who really knows President Bush’s life behind closed doors? Who can really determine whether he kneels on the floor and prays to God every single morning before making crucial decisions---or sits in church every Sunday like clockwork just for ‘show’? We can’t say—because we don’t know.

His actions are also determined by other members of the government officials and other factors that play key role in his job as president. I don’t think most people could ever fill his shoes- and most people wouldn’t dare risk taking the job of being president due to the difficult challenges that lay before them. It’s harder than it looks.

And you know my thoughts about President Bush tapping into phone lines. The world is getting to a point where I believe---we’re near the end. (Revelations) I also believe that after 9/11 and the constant threat we still have with Osama, causes concern of more attacks to come. For me? I’d rather have Bush tapping the lines of “suspected civilians”, rather than focus on frivolous issues that aren’t as important.

Can the bad guy tap in too? Probably. I don’t doubt that. With any ‘good thing’---comes a ‘bad thing’. The question is, do you believe the good will weigh out? You have hackers everywhere. Even with Google---they wanted information from people tapping into porn sites. Do you think that’s really the case? Do you think it was only to tap in on those who indulge in child pornography? Or do you think it was people searching for jihad related groups? Or simply for advertising and mass spammers? We really don’t know.

Do you want our government to sit back---and just wait for another attack? Or take the risk---listen and tap into 'suspected terrorists’ conversations and feel ‘somewhat’ safe. We’re never safe---that I can ‘safely say’---so I opt for Bush’s decision on tapping in.

We’re all cattle waiting to be slaughtered. We’re living ‘on this earth’, which means we’re all in the danger of being attacked by terrorists-----no matter where you live.

I definitely see your concern and the fear of history repeating itself, but I also know that we’re in a holy war—and we need to do all we can to protect ourselves. It’s really a hard call.

Can you imagine all the medication I’d be on if I were to be President??? Thank God for that, right? (hehe) :)

Thanks for this thought provoking post! I love your writings!

Deb said...

I also hope I didn't offend you --- or anyone with my thoughts on this.

Again--I always love hearing your views Saur! Would love to pick your brain one day! :)

United We Lay said...

I don't dismiss Christianity because that the card the President plays, I dismiss it because it's silly, as is all religion. Even legally changing the laws to fit into a religious mold is unfair to others and unethical. No matter what your belief, you do not have the right to limit the freedom of anyone else.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Polanco, you mean that you view Christianity as silly. There are those of us that view atheism as pretty darned silly, too. And that's my ultimate point. You're allowed to say we're silly, and we're allowed to say you're silly. As you point out, we cannot use religion to construct our laws or limit other's freedom to believe or not believe.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Deb, you didn't offend me, hon. Let’s just live in peace with everyone and start accepting more. This is a sweet sentiment, but logically impossible.

For instance, what if one particular 'Christian' says "I'm a Christian and believe in killing infants and children so that they'll go straight to heaven!" (Yes, I've heard that before, so don't dismiss it too quickly).

Would we accept that and say, "Ah, it's just their brand of Christianity" or would we say "Hey, that's not Christianity! Call it something else, but it ain't the real McCoy!"

We need to take a stand. If we don't wish to conform to classic Christianity, then we need to just make up our own religion, as the Scientologists did.

What I said about Bush still stands: actions speak louder than words. I'm not willing to give him a hall-pass just cuz he says he's a Christian any more than peaceful Muslims are quiet about the radicals which embarass them.

There are alternatives to what is being done right now. Instead of spying on civilians or warring in other countries, Bush could activate all the military to police and patrol our own borders. It would take care of any illegal aliens and would make it pretty difficult to smuggle in a dirty bomb or anything else that is a threat.

And if there is a threat elsewhere, I firmly believe in bombing the heck outta the country that threatens us. They'll be too busy digging out of the rubble to build any bombs for a while.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Mike, our country and our Constitution are only as strong as we allow them to be. And if we willingly begin to surrender the interpretation of them to others, we will have no right (or ability) to complain when it's too late.

Nothing will happen until the number of people outraged reaches critical mass. This is so very true. And you're right, this is setting a very bad example for our children. I don't discount this, either. For instance, studies show that illegal drug use increases among children when there's a President that sanctions it (or turns a blind eye to it). And illegal drug use goes down when a President speaks out strongly against it.

Uncle Joe, ;o)

KristieD, isn't that funny? In the 80s, very few conservatives would have believed that they might be in agreement with liberals in the future. But this is a new time, with new situations.

TLP said...

You have written an excellent post!

Bush is a dangerous man. He is not in any way a true conservative. He is not fiscally responsible. A true conservative is fiscally responsible. He does not honor the constitution. As you point out,a true conservative honors the law.

Saur♥Kraut said...

TLP, exactly! And one of the reasons that I respect you so much is that you're clear on your beliefs, and you're consistent about them.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Jef, ahh, Dick Cheney. The true Power Behind the Throne. ;o)

Ed said...

My eyes got a little misty reading this post. Very well written!

Surfed in from Three Score.

Deb said...

Saur: Ultimately it is logically impossible for all to agree on one political or religious view---however, we can respect one another’s view and ‘accept them as is’… I do believe that.

My theory and belief of Christianity—the main core of it is---to love God with all your heart---to believe that Jesus died for you and me and everyone else on this earth so that we can be forgiven as carnal human beings. Believing and loving God is the ultimate request that God calls out for His Christian followers.

Now with that being said, then I think this applies to people who yet have different opinions regarding abortion (which I think you were referring to re: killing babies) …They may love God and believe that Jesus saved them—yet have a different view on that political issue. Does that make them a ‘fake Christian’? I don’t believe so. I just think they have a different way of viewing things. God gave us freedom of choice---it doesn’t matter what people think – we all can possess different opinions and point of views. That’s “okay”.

You said, “Action speaks louder than words. I’m not willing to give him a hall-pass just cuz he says he’s a Christian any more than peaceful Muslims are quiet about the radicals which embarrass them.”

Action definitely speaks louder than words with “all of us”. We are not perfect, but remember, if you were in his shoes with the political influences around him---I think you would rethink what you said. It is extremely hard to make that judgment on him, based on what every single American does not know. We don’t know 100% truths to what goes on in the White House—or what they scheme up---there are things that are going on without the public knowing---because we need to hide it all from the enemy. It’s almost as bad as when the newscasters come on TV and they start telling everyone they have concerns about no security on our barges. I mean, HELLO??? Why don’t we tell the terrorists every weak point we have! You know? So---I think Bush has a plan and a ‘secret one’ at that. I don’t think our government is stupid. Believe me, the unknown is what we’re all cackling about.

Now, let me say this—without scaring you here…cause it is pretty scary. Do you realize that there are more than 100 (probably more by now) dirty bombs missing---and are believed to be in the country ‘right now’. There are terrorists “among us”-----in many little organized groups, planning attacks as we speak. You think keeping aliens out now will help that? They’re here already! So this is the reason why Bush has to tap these lines. I am so happy he is doing something about it.

Bombing the entire country would kill innocent civilians, and cause more of a holy war---because their land is holy. If we did that----countries around the world would not be our allies, they would go against us-----and WE would have the big threat of WW3.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Deb, no, I actually wasn't talking about abortion (which is a whole different can of worms). I'm talking about parents who already have a child that they kill so that the child can get to heaven (you've heard the arguments about the age of accountability, etc.?)

I do respect people's views, but only if they're well-considered, I need to say. For instance, I have a friend who believes thoroughly in space aliens. She has thought it through carefully and can debate it well. I see her points. I don't think she's right, but her arguments are compelling. But, if she told me that she thought she had to wear tinfoil on her head because the CIA was listening in on her thoughts, I wouldn't be able to respect that view.

You say Christianity is just Believing and loving God is the ultimate request that God calls out for His Christian followers . That's all well and good, but what does that entail, exactly? The Bible is pretty clear that if you love God, you do certain things that he wants you to do. Hell no, I don't always do it. But I know what is expected of me. And I try to do it most of the time, because that's what I'm supposed to do, if I love God. So it's not as simple as just saying blithely "Ah, I love God." And as for believing,:

You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. -James 2:19

Apparently, belief isn't enough.

And as for Bush, remember the scripture verse that says"

Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. -I Cor. 4:2

If Bush is claiming to be a Christian, he needs to be held to Christian standards. This isn't a wishlist, it's a set-standard. Now, if Bush recants and says he's become a Muslim, my point is moot.

Oh yeah, the dirty bombs are creepy. But they wouldn't BE here if we'd already started cracking down and sealing the borders. Did you hear the story of the woman who crossed the Mexican border about a year ago, covered in burrs and filth, who was a Muslim terrorist? It was sheer luck that she was caught, and many people came out and said how worried they were that she had only been caught through a series of coincidences. We must seal the borders.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Ed Abbey, welcome! So glad to have you here! I hope your wife is feeling better.

Deb said...

Saur: I never heard of parents killing a child so they can get into heaven. Sounds like some satanic ritual if you ask me. (JUST my opinion on that one….eeeeK)

Space aliens. I have a couple of friends who believe in this. My thoughts are iffy, just because I have no clue. You had me laughing at the tinfoil bit. Did she really do that? (haha) I’m sorry—if I ever came home to see my girlfriend wearing a hat that looked like a huge Hershey Kiss wrapper on her head---I’d seriously have to leave her.

Yes, to be a Christian---is believing that Jesus is the Messiah; believing that He died for us for our sins and loving God with all your heart. Now—-this entails having a personal relationship with God---not just saying, “Oh well I’m a Christian…blah blah blah…” Being good to one another, being generous—to give of yourself and give to the needy—to spread the good news about the Lord.

There is only one God, and there is only one way of being accepted by him. He makes people right with himself only by faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. ~Romans 3:30

To all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. ~John 1:12

Now with that being said, God loves us for the mere fact that we’re believers in Christ.

What about this scripture:

No one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what his law commands. For the more we know God’s law, the clearer it becomes that we aren’t obeying it. But now God has shown us a different way of being right in his sight---not by obeying the law but by the way promised in the Scriptures long ago. We are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are and what we have done. ~Romans 3:20-22

God sent Jesus Christ to take our place and receive the punishment for sin that we deserved. When we trust in Him, we receive the gifts of eternal life and fellowship with God.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10

This is all from the bible. It’s comforting to know that Jesus was once on this earth experiencing the same trials as we do now. He understands more than you think about temptation and sin. He’s been through it. He was even approached by Satan himself in the dessert---as I am sure you know.

Since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. ~Romans 5:1-2

This is what I go by. This is why I’m a Christian. My actions show by the book I wrote. Spreading His word. That’s my work for Him. I also do good for others, I’m generous and I have a good heart---which He sees. You can do all the good in the world---but God will only judge by your heart and motives. He sees your intentions. God is good—He is merciful.

I’m only putting this out on your blog, because I find it hard to believe that people seem to have this mindset that we must be ‘perfect’. We’re not perfect---and we’re always going to have that constant conflict within our carnal nature and souls. I wish many people would relax—know their human---and realize how much God loves them. God loves you—no matter what you do---He cares about your belief in Him. Through your belief, you’ll do ‘good’ just by faith alone—not by the pressures of ‘being a Christian’.

Deb said... more thing and I'll step off this soapbox of mine....

Your works are through this blog alone---(and probably many more in your personal life) and you seem like the type of person who does it without even realizing all the good work you do for the Lord. Just by talking about Him publically like this is a blessing---having a forum like this and honoring His name---you're getting some major stars on your crown when you get into heaven!


Thanks again Saur...always a stimulating read.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Deb, *hugs* Wonderful thoughts, sweetie. Thanks for sharing them. Yeah, there really have been wackos who said they were killing their kids (or I should say had killed their kids) so that the kids would go to heaven and not face a lifetime of uncertainty (with the possibility of making the wrong choice and going to hell). Creepy, huh...?

Deb said...

It's almost like those cults who claim that if they commit suicide, their spaceship will come get them--and bring them to heaven.

Almost as absurd as the 72 virgins that terrorists await after a suicide mission.

I don't get it. *shrugs*

Three Score and Ten or more said...

Well Saur, this is one time that we will just have to agree to disagree. I don't think we have had any President other than, perhaps, Reagan and Roosevelt who have behaved more like the way they said they would behave while campaigning than George W. Bush. There are many criticisms which I have of George W. Bush but none of them include hypocracy. I think he spends to dang much money on government progams, but his explanation of compassionate conservatism outlines most of those things. As far as hypocracy regarding his religion, frankly I don't think you or I, or anyone else has the right to judge the sincerity of his beliefs or his desire to live in accordance with them, and any argument I have heard to suggest that he is a hypocrit in this are has been wild assumptions with no concrete evidence.

As far as the wild accusations regarding wiretapping Americans without warrants is a tempest in a teapot. All the intercepts have been in accordance with typical case law, the closest analogy is that if an individual has been behaving enough like a drug dealer for the government to get a warrant to wiretap his phone, everybody who calls him, even the Dominoe's pizza man will be recorded without a warrant. If they tap "Osama ben Crapona's" line because he is demonstrably a terrorist, everyone whom he calls or who calls him will be recorded whether or not he is a U.S. citizen, just as warrantly as the one who called the drug dealer. It would be functionally impossible to call up Osama and ask him who he is likely to call so that a warrant could be requested.

It is NOT an intrusion on anyone's rights any more than the warranted intercepts of Johnny drug dealer are an intusion on the Dominoe boy.

Saur♥Kraut said...

3 Score & 10, thanks for your opinion. We often agree, but of course no two people agree all the time.

I do have to point out that the Bible makes it very clear that we are to evaluate people who claim to be Christians, and judge whether or not they're genuine. See Col. 2:16, John 7:24, Matt 19:28, Prov. 9:8, I Cor 5:3, Matt 7:16, I Cor. 14:29, I Tim 5:20, Luke 12:57, Matt 7:1-5, and finally Is. 2:9 says that we should not always forgive(!) These are scriptures that most people aren't familiar with, but if we're taking the Bible seriously, they're part of it.

Of course, if we're not taking Christianity seriously, then the point is moot. But as I said earlier to Deb (above), when Bush claims to be something other than a Christian, these evaluations are useless. Until then, he's put himself out there as a Christian and I'm evaluating him as such.

sage said...

a well thought out post--and to think I came over here because I saw your name on Ed's blog and figured anyone who liked saurkraut couldn't be all bad--I'm off to read your faux-Christian post.

Lee Ann said...

I have to say, in general, I avoid commenting on any posts of political substance.
You are not the first person I have heard speak of this very matter.
This was a very good post.

Anonymous said...

Saur, interesting read. Sorry, but I fully agree with Three Score on this.

Glad that the opossums got a good home and will eventually be back in the wild. I hope you changed vets.

Suzy-Q said...

Great post Saur....lots to consider and think about...and you say it SO well.

Fred said...

Saur: Chack out this site. It's dedicated to locating as many Holocaust victims as possible, and recording their experiences for history. Once there, click on "Testimonies." I use it in class. It's very powerful to see the videos.

Ellen said...

Great post, and excellant arguements to both sides of the issues. I see, and agree with points from both sides, compelling me to have to do some serious thinking.

I see it as a tighrope act in the hands of a bumbling president, which makes it very scary indeed.
And that laugh of his??? Why do I always feel like it is too nervous and contrived, coming off like he is a fake?

As far as a mother taking the life of her own children so that they wouldn't have to face the uncertainty that life has to offer, well... Andrea Yates drowning her children comes to mind.

Three Score and Ten or more said...

Saur, I am a little uncomfortable doing this, but we seem to have fit into a proof texting mode from your reply. I am really uncomfortable with you, or anyone else but the Lord determining the reality of any person's Christianity. I am a Mormon, and have gone through my life with those of other Christian sects defining me as a not Christian (primarily because of the Nicene Creed which is a Catholic doctrine extablished several hundred years after the death of Christ, but one which others have determined that "we" must subscribe to. In the scriptues you identify, None give human beings the right to judge others except some of those in Corinthians which relate specifically to fornicators and trying Elders (in a trial situation by two or more witnesses.-Whoops, that is Timothy)) Matt 19 identifies that the Apostles shall sit at the side of Jesus during the final judgement and John 7 which warns the deciples against judging by appearance. I am afraid that if I went through every scripture it would be an affront, but I can if you wish to give it the space. Ifind myself looking at Matt: 7 in the Lords prayer where He sdvises us to pray for forgivenss as we forgive those who have sinned against us, or Matt 18 which deals with the parable of the servants and concludes that the Father will judge us if we forgive not every one, or Matt 1, 17 which gives us the beam out of your own eye before you try to take the mote from another; or Matt 11:25 which says if you do not forgive, neither will your Father forgive.

I gave up scripture bashing and proof texting long ago, and, as I said, I am uncomfortable about it, but you pushed a couple of sensitive buttons. I truly don't believe that anyone but the Christ, and those who sit by His side in the last judgment have the right to define who is, or is not Christian. As for me, I am content to wait on his word, as, I suspect, is President Bush.

You may delete this, if you wish, I won't be offended, but I felt it essential that you know how I feel.

Jamie Dawn said...

I respect your opinions. I don't agree with most of them here, but I do respect what you have to say.
I'll be back to read what's up here tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

This as very interesting reading. I'm willing to give up some personal freedoms for the good of national security, but you make some very good points here. Big brother in the making?

The Zombieslayer said...

I think I heart you Saurkraut. :)

The NeoCons are Conservatives of Convenience only.

True. They give us conservatives a bad name. Let's not forget that Bush is for illegal immigration, against guns (yes, he is on record saying he would sign the Clinton gun ban if it came on his desk), globalistic, and spends more than a Democrat, for which I thought it wasn't possible.

The surveillance thing scares me. That's one reason I could never live in London. That city is a police state. Almost as many cameras as people and no gun rights.

Excellent post. I agree 100% with this one.

Anonymous said...

Lots to think about here....great post

Saur♥Kraut said...

TSB, thanks!

ZombieSlayer, I knew we'd agree about this.

Monique, exactly!

Jamie Dawn, thank you. That's all I can ask.

3 Score & 10, I knew you were a Mormon. But since Mormons are a separate sect, and I am holding Bush to the classical Protestant Bible, my points stand. I did (and do) understand where you are coming from, however. No hard feelings! ;o)

Ellen, exactly! And thank you - it was Andrea Yates that I was searching for, but couldn't remember.

Saur♥Kraut said...

Fred, thanks for the link. I couldn't really access anything, though. Maybe it's my computer...?

Josefina, thank you!

Kathleen, that's OK! ;o) And I haven't switched vets cuz he's usually very knowlegable. He missed the mark on the possums, but then - how many people have possums for pets? He's normally a very kind man, though, and will put a suffering animal to sleep, for free. I've brought in strays that were hurt and dying, and he whisks them off immediately and waives any charges.

Lee Ann, Just glad you dropped by!

Sage, welcome! Glad you liked it!

Deb said...

You said you were "evaluating" Bush's behavior on whether or not he is in fact a Christian.

Isn't "evaluating" another term for "judging"?

Just curious. :)

Saur♥Kraut said...

Deb, yes! Evaluating is judging. But judging is not necessarily wrong or forbidden by the Bible (if that is the chosen standard, as Bush implies it to be). That's a common misconception by people who haven't really studied the Bible thoroughly. See my above answers to 3 Score & 10 and my post about Faux Christians.

Now, as I said before, if Bush were to suddenly turn atheist or Muslim, my point is moot and I'll willingly drop any evaluations according to Biblical standards.

Three Score and Ten or more said...

My replies to your scriptures were from King James as was all of the post except my personal element. The quotes, in context, are from Christ and the apostles. Judgement, by us common folks is forbidden, and by the judgment we mete out we shall be judged. Last comment on this issue., but on your top post of the day, you are misconstruing the entire argument. No one is accepting or advocating electronic intercepts of anyone where the call does not originate from known or suspected overseas terrorists. That is a fact, though it is glossed over by a lot of the media and by politicians who have no scruple about distorting an issue for political gain. No one gets wiretapped without a warrant within the U.S.

I'm done for awhile, except on my own blog.

Fred said...

Saur - try this link:

Saur♥Kraut said...

3 Score & 10, I'm sorry if I can't agree with your particular religion's interpretations. As you're aware, your founders have also made additions that the protestants don't agree with. I have no problems whatsoever with you, and am delighted to always hear from you (I hope you're aware of that). As I said before, how your particular faith interprets the Bible has little to do with how Bush's protestant faith does. And since he is a professing Christian a la Protestant, that is how I'm evaluating him.

And I really hope that simply because we disagree, you won't be discouraged. There are many people that I disagree with (and who disagree with me) and we remain friends.

Fred, thanks! I will!

Anonymous said...

I've been absent for a while and have just been catching up. But I think that 3 score and 10 is mistaken (no offense). We simply can't KNOW if Bush was doing something legally until we know WHO he was wiretapping. He could SAY it was a suspected terrorist, or someone talking to a suspected terrorist, but until we know what parties were suspected, he could claim anything, couldn't he?!