While you celebrate, please remember that we are not as independant as we should be. We are dependant on other countries for oil, food, and supplies. We left self-sufficiency behind many years ago.
Although this is not wrong, I see a country that has lost it's sense of self, it's sense of pride.
We are a people that sometimes mistakenly believe that other cultures are equivalent. This becomes a heinous mistake when we abandon our principals and beliefs in order to be politically correct. It is the erosion of these values that has caused the problems we are experiencing in modern-day America.
Still, we should embrace other peoples and other cultures, choosing the healthy values which will not conflict with our own. And cling to the standards of liberty and equality for all, as these are the values which often set us apart from the rest of the world. Only this way can we all be truly free.
Happy 4th of july, Saur !
Happy Independence Day! I love your hats for every occasion!
It's my favorite holiday, Blow Stuff Up Day. Or it would be, if fireworks weren't against the law. =(
well said and happy 4th to you too!!
I pledge allegiance ta da flag o' da United States o' America, an' ta da Republic fo' which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, wiff liberty an' justice fo' all and git Kathleen's booty back ova' heeah.
Have a happy and safe 4th.
Well written.
Even though America is now more interdependent that independent, I will still celebrate the 4th for what it stands for.
Because I'm a Christian, I can also celebrate the freedom I have in Christ, and no despot can take that away.
Happy 4th to you and yours, Saur.
Happy 4th, saur. Can you believe our country is 230 years old?
Really, though it's just a drop in the bucket in comparison to some other countries in Europe and the Middle East.
Still, despite our country's problems, no country in world history has had quite the impact that the US has had in such a short time frame.
Too bad this country is headed face first down the crapper. Maybe we'll drown before someone flushes us entirely...
Now back to your regularly scheduled holiday fireworks celebration.
Very well said, Saur. Hope you had a great day!
Hope you had a great holiday!
I bought my 6 yr. old a "bouncy" plastic ball today at the supermarket. On the way home he read the bottom: Made in China, and said, "Mom, I own a lot of things made in China" An innocent remark that made me sick to my stomach. I tried to explain to him why this was a bad thing -- being a consumer nation -- and struggled with an answer to his question, "Whose fault is it?"
You must have spied on my post! I listed 10 things we are dependent on.
Nice hat...
Dependance on other countries is just the way that it goes. Nothing that we do is going to change that in the global economy. It does not mean that we can not maintain individual values.
We celebrated the 4th by going to a protest to bring our troops back home. After that we burned a falg on our front lawn. There's no better way to celebrate your independance than by using it.
Love the hat -- hope it was a good one!
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