"Of course I did!" I answered. I had told her that on Sunday.
"Someone told you!" she declared. There was no way she would believe otherwise.
Poor Ozma. It sucks to have a friend with a great memory, who also listens carefully to everyone and files it all away for later reference. Because the honest truth was, no one told me. I'm just trained to listen and I put the pieces together. And you know what? It was a good thing that I knew it was coming. I've had wayyyyy too many surprises lately and it would have added additional stress, even though she meant well.
Michelle and Hubby were there, along with my Mexican Family which includes Ozma and her daughter (Kitten), Ozma's sister Carmen and her hubby (Sam), Jack, their brother Dan, their cousin Steve, and Mom & Dad. We had drinks, snacks, a birthday cake, love and laughter.
Kitten got me the yellow sign above, and handed me a card with a lei wrapped around it. When I opened the card, it read "The lei is so that you can tell everyone that you might be 40 but you can still get laid. :)" Ohhhhh, so it's like that, is it? Thanks, Kitten. You brat!

I wore my lei all night.
Happy Birthday Saur. It sounds like things were going your way for at least one night. Hopefully you have many more days like that.
Christine, *LOL* Hey! I got lei-d! Not bad for a single gal, huh??? So don't knock it. :D
Ed, thanks, hon. I intend to!
Glad to hear your "surprise" party was a hoot! So did we "hear" that right, you got two leis? We'll just file that away for another time.
Everything gets better after 40! Even the leis.
Kellie (Carrie's sister) & Carrie
Kellie, *LOL* The moment I saw the "name", I knew it was you. I'm still grinning! And no, just one "lei". :P Ah, the life of a single, intimidating woman. At least, that's what Ozma tells me: I'm intimidating. I'm too "confident". So I'd be fun to sleep with, but terrifying to commit to. My thought is: are there any men that aren't wusses out there? Of course, maybe there are simply shallow men that just want a "lei". ;o)
Chris, ;o) I think the lei is a tasteful accessory all by itself.
Saur got a lei, hot damn!
Me too! (but I am not 40 yet) :)
You're like a little undercover FBI agent. I'm surprised you don't have satellites hanging off your earrings. If I ever held a surprise party for you...you would never know. Never. You've met your match sister! Bring it! ;)
So my Saur got laid, huh? Leid?
New York awaits you...no surprises here. Promise. (mua ha ha)
Happy Birthday, Saur! The beginning of a new life, huh? Its gonna get better all the time! See, you already got lei-ed!
Happy Birthday, Saur! Sorry I missed it. And... speaking as someone who is experienced at being 40 (been doing it for over 3 years now), it ain't so bad!
Surprises are for children. Really. I would much rather be asked what kind of "surprise" I would like the best.
Besides, you might give someone a heart attack or stroke! That kind of thing happens as people get longer in the tooth.
happy 40 I'm sure you will pull off being 40 and looking 28 for at least 10 more years. What I hope for you is a happy heart the rest all goes away some time but your spirit lives forever.
Well, you made it to forty. Congrats. Now you can forget about birthdays for the next ten years. Next up? 50!
Happy Birthday Saur! You're amazing, you don't have a single wrinkle.
Happy Birthday Saur. You do look great (A perfect mix of Bardot and Twiggy, don't you think?)
On my 40th I just kept whacking the piñata until the candy spurt forth. Those Mexicans have great tradition.
All women start using accelerated depreciation methods at forty (law of nature). FYI, Lane Bryant is having a great sale on pantsuits this weekend.
I still haven’t gotten anyone to explain to me why men get better looking with age while women just seem to droop. It’s not fair.
It’s all good.
Happy Birthday, Saur!!!
Happy Birthday girl!! sounds like you had lots of fun and that you have lots of people around that love you. I threw my mom a surprise 40th birthday party. And she was actually surprised. It was great and she had a blast. Best party i ever put together, if i do say so myself. (And it wasnt even for me! i actually had to miss the surprise part, i got to do all the prep work, decorate, and then i had to go to work for some lame 3 hour shift i couldnt get covered. when i returned, my mom about tackled me with a hug b/c of how well we kept a secret from her!) Hope your day was Great!!
Have you never heard of steer balls? Talk about droop. Keep whacking that pinata!!
If 40 is the new 30's, Is 80 the new terrible two's?
Happy Birthday! Nothing wrong with being 40.
Look at me, I'm in just ass crappy condition now as I was ten years ago! Plus, you get the added advantage of being able to sneer in a superior manner about the behavior of those younger than you... you know, if you want to.
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